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    "Helloe. Helllo. Is this thing on? Can anyone hear me?"

    Let me try this one more time.

    Yes mustardman, you can grow crops other than wheat. But - as I've written here before - THE CWB SYSTEM FORCES ALL CROPS LOWER IN PRICE.

    "No way!" you say.
    "Yes, way!" I say.

    (repeat as necessary)

    When you sell all your other crops for cash flow it drives the price lower - too much for the system and buyers at one time. Price pops up later when the pipeline is empty. The Borg blame the "evil multinationals" taking advantage of you. (But remember - something else I've written here - the grain companies make LESS on non-CWB grains, not more, so it's tough to say they "pick over your carcasses" with a straight face.)

    CWB supporters just can't see that its the CWB system that forces the non-CWB prices down.

    CWB prices - dismall.
    Non-CWB prices - lower than they could be.
    Freedom to properly respond according to market signals - priceless.


      Hey Parsley, your calling me socialist ? Let me tell you that John Diefenbaker must be turning circles in his grave with the fascist bastards that call themselves conservatives in
      Ottawa right now.
      By the way I don't have a 'choice' on my mustard the only place to sell it is open market


        Mustardman, If you don't like it you can grow only wheat.

        Or, let's create a system that offers CHOICE. Use the open market if you wish, or use an agency that operates VOLUNTARY POOLS for all crops if that's your CHOICE.

        If you don't like the open market I believe you should have the option of an alternate method of marketing that accomodates your desires.


          mustardman - don't grow it then. If the board is doing such a wonderful job for you then grow Wheat, Durum, and Malt Barley. Its kind of surprizing to hear that a board supporter like you would grow nine off board crops. Why take the chance of letting the multinationals pick over your carcass when the CWB is doing a good job of that now.


            Ouch - that's gotta hurt.


              Hey HFL I'm not sure if you farm or not but I'll explain slowly how this works. It is called crop rotation, mine is cereal, oilseed cereal pulse.
              Good tilth, lots of earthworms, increased organic matter and healthy soil. Keeps weeds off balance and diseases in check by not growing same crop year after year.
              Now maybe your one of these guys who has a 2 year rotation -- Canola, winter,Canola, winter etc etc etc
              I have went thru MNP benchmark program and am apparently in with the top 10% of farm managers. I can effectively "take a price" on open market crops as well as the next.
              NOTICE I DID NOT SAY market my crops-
              the only people who I think should say this are people who are selling direct to endusers- like the guy selling pumpkins at the market gardens-
              To say I am "marketing my crops" is giving ouselves way to much credit. We are simply accepting a price either now or in future. To truly 'market your crop you are finding your customers, showing them how to use your produce good qaulity and when bad quality, keeping in contact with these customers in case their needs change.

              So when I sell my peas,chickpeas,lentils,canola or mustards do I know the endusers? No
              I an simply "taking a price "


                Supply management zealots are more comfortable farming in Quebec, mustardman.



                  So Mr. Top Ten Percent,

                  You obviously live in an area that allows you to grow lots of different crops.

                  Well I don't.

                  It has been tried - often! Many, many failures.

                  How is it then, that someone that grows wheat only now and then can tell me that either I accept the way the cwb system is - or quit?

                  Perhaps it should be the other way around? We will set up a gov't agency to go around and decide where the best areas are for growing wheat and those farmers will be our wheat growers. The lentil areas can only grow lentils, etc..

                  If I can't grow lentil's very well, should I get a voice in who grows lentils and the best way to market them?


                    Explain to me, mustardman, slowly of course,(as you say so eloquently), how organics ever got started by farmers. Not by experts. Not by Government. Not by Dion.

                    By farmers.

                    Check your words over:

                    "To truly 'market your crop you are finding your customers, showing them how to use your produce good qaulity and when bad quality, keeping in contact with these customers in case their needs change."



                      yes mustardman I farm although not with the expertise of others. No, our crop rotation is not canola, winter, etc. On our farm durum wheat grows the best. And we chem fallow half our land every year. That helps keep the weeds and disease under control. If you as one of the top ten percent of farm managers in Western Canada ( or is it the world )is happy with the poor prices wheat board grains bring thats fine - for your farm. Why does it have to be enforced with hancuffs and leg irons on my farm.

                      Merry Christmas to all
                      Even Mustardman


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