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Measner has been fired

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    Measner has been fired

    Just heard on the news.

    Greg Arason, former CEO of Manitoba Pool, has been named interim CEO of the CWB.

    Just came from the meeting. Close to 200 people in attendance. Lots of media. Steven Fletcher, Brian Pallister, Vic Toews also present.


      A sad day indeed. Dirty rotten trick by old Chucky. Couldn't leave well enough alone and wait until the CWB was dismantled. Harper should be happy.


        It's actually a brilliant move by Strahl. Arason is well-liked and well-respected outside and inside the board. He has the MPE background. He knows his way around the CWB. People will have a hard time finding the negative in his appointment. I'm just a little curious about the 3-month window. I would have thought it would be more open-ended.


          Absence or incapacity
          (2) If the president is absent or unable to act or the office of president is vacant, the Minister may appoint an interim president. An interim president shall not act for more than ninety days without the approval of the Governor in Council.


            It will also be fun to watch the board squirm tommorrow as they quibble about Arason`s wages!!Measner can get a job fund raising for the Libs!!LOL!!


              A happy day indeed. Anyone staying in a job like that one for thirty years is in obvious need of a change of scenery, and perspective.


                I was in St. Francis for the announcement. I never like to cheer someone else's misfortune, but I was really tired of Measner using farmer's money to try and save his own position. I agree that it was brilliant strategy to replace Measner with Arason. It should quell all the "sky is falling witout Measner" crappola as Greg was the CEO and was well respected as such.



                  Paul Vieira and John Greenwood,

                  Financial Post

                  "...................Measner was guilty of fear mongering and misrepresenting Conservative plans for the Winnipeg-based agency.

                  “No matter how much you expect it, it is still a shock when it happens,” said Rod Flaman, a farmer-elected board director from Edenwold, Sask., north of Regina, and a Measner supporter. “The farmers were in control of this organization. And now the government is trying to wrest control away and impose their own policy.” Mr. Flaman said the 14-member board ‹ 10 of whom are elected directly by grain farmers ‹ recently conducted its annual performance review of Mr.Measner, who was a 32-year veteran of the agency. The former CEO received board approval, Mr. Flaman added.

                  “He was our guy.”


                  Somebody needs to tell Flaman that the farmers had zip final say. Will continue to have zip final say. He needs to read the bloody act.

                  Posting from the New England states in the USA, but still reading agri-ville,



                    From CBC online

                    "Having Mr. Arason there is somewhat of a relief because we do know him. We respect him," Toews said Tuesday.

                    However, Toews added, the board will want a commitment from Arason that he will be responsible to the board's directors, not the federal government.

                    I guess Director Toews still hasn't read the CWB Act yet.

                    Nor the statement of facts in every Farmer vs the CWB court case yet.

                    the one that reads;

                    3] The Defendants seek to strike out the Statement of Claim on the basis that the Board is accountable only to Parliament and that neither the Board nor the Crown owe any duty to or are accountable to the Plaintiffs as producers of wheat.

                    So I guess the next showdown will be between the anti-choice eight and the Minister.

                    Maybe the anti-choice eight need to re-evaluate after they have seen how things worked out for Measner.

                    I doubt the Liberal Party will have jobs ready for all of them!


                      From The Winnipeg Sun

                      Wheat Board president fired
                      By Steve Lambert CP
                      ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER, Man. (CP) — Adrian Measner, a 32-year veteran of the Canadian Wheat Board, was fired Tuesday from his job as president following weeks of public bickering with federal Agriculture Minister Chuck Strahl.

                      Strahl announced the move at a staged event on a farm just west of Winnipeg, where he was surrounded by a group of producers who oppose the board’s marketing monopoly over western wheat and barley.

                      Strahl has appointed former wheat board president Greg Arason as interim president for a three month transition period, adding that Arason supports Ottawa’s drive for marketing choice.

                      “Arason will focus on selling grain, not engaging in political action,” Strahl said inside a Quonset hut jammed with about 200 producers, who applauded the minister.

                      Arason was the former CEO of Manitoba Pool Elevators.

                      Measner has been critical of the Conservative government’s plan to allow western farmers to choose whether to sell their wheat and barley through the board or independently.

                      Critics say scrapping the board’s monopoly would effectively kill the farmer-run organization and result in lower prices.

                      Opponents of the board say producers should have the right to choose how they sell what they grow.

                      Strahl set off a Prairie firestorm this fall when he took the first step toward allowing farmers to market their own grain — a Conservative election promise.

                      The board, backed by the Saskatchewan and Manitoba governments, the federal Liberals and NDP and several farm groups, maintains the Canadian Wheat Board Act requires the government to hold a plebiscite before taking any steps to remove the monopoly.

                      Strahl, who has the support of the Alberta government and some farm groups, has said he’ll hold a non-binding plebiscite on barley this winter, but won’t commit to a similar vote for wheat.

                      After Measner spoke out against the government plan in November, Strahl sent him a tersely worded letter giving him 14 days to change his stance or face dismissal.

                      Measner further irritated Strahl last week when he stood beside Stephane Dion as the new Liberal leader made a campaign-style promise to support the wheat board.

                      Last week, hundreds of farmers protested in Winnipeg to show their support for the board’s monopoly and Measner.

                      Earlier this month, individuals who support the monopoly won four of five district elections for the wheat board’s board of directors.

                      Controlled by western Canadian farmers, the CWB is the largest wheat and barley marketer in the world.

                      One of Canada’s biggest exporters, the Winnipeg-based organization sells grain to over 70 countries and returns all sales revenue, less marketing costs, to Prairie farmers.

                      Measner, who was raised on a farm in Holdfast, Sask., has worked for the board since 1974, including nine years in charge of grain marketing and transportation. He became its second president and chief executive officer in January 2003.

                      Next story: Booze good for head trauma!

                      I suggest Measner and the other singledeskers need to stronly consider reading the "Next Story"


                        ... it definitely is going to be interesting to follow this in the months ahead...will this have a positive or a negative reaction on the market...


                          First of all before you people bite my head of, I never did really care for Measner, but once again I have some questions. I wonder what other organization have you ever heard of where the board of directors doesn't have a large say in the hiring or firing of their CEO? I just hope, as much as I am relieved to be rid of Measner once and for all, that the wheat board isn't dragged into a long drawn out wrongful dismissal suit that will cost us all a bunch of money out of our final payments.


                            The Iraqi Wheat Board.

                            The North Korean Wheat Board.

                            The Iranian Wheat Board.

                            The Cuban Wheat Board.


                              I'm personally releived that Measner is gone . The Canadian farmer has to wake up and realize that the CWB is just a smokescreen. Yes we produce wheat but the world will only buy it from us if they can get it cheap enough. We have been brainwashed in to thinking that our wheat is the best when really the world doesn't care. The wheat board had its place in pre globe economy without commputers. But nowadays things have changed. Maybe we should get away from growing hrsw and grow somthing the would wants.


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