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    I concur Mustardman.

    We all need to know what were voting for.

    It's too bad so many farmers didn't know what they were voting for. Hopefully they will pay more attention next time.

    It was quite clear to me what the consevatives policy was. In fact Harper even stated in the debates.

    But here's a little fodder for you to consider.

    CWB District 9 consists of approx 4 Federal ridings. 2 MB, 2 Sask

    Bill Nicholson (the anti-free choice guy who won) got between 1900 and 2000 votes. Thats roughly 475 votes per federal riding. That are hard core cwb supporters. Of those 475 votes probably 300 have never voted consevative in their life. So that leaves 175 voters per riding who may switch because of the cwb.

    Merv Tweed in Brandon Souris beat the closest candidate by something like 17000 votes.

    Do the math and then tell us again why the conservatives should be worried about the impact the cwb policy will have on their electoral fortunes in the west .

    I read today where Shephan Dullyawn is getting Ken Dryden to spearhead the fight to counter the Consevatives CWB policy.

    If it wasn't so bloody laughable, I might comment further but I think that decision speaks volumes about where the Liberals are on western grain policy.


      After the CWB is kaput, I hope you "freedom to market" characters will enjoy your new found freedom so much that you will enjoy your new found poverty as the multi-nationals pick over your carcasses.


        Thanks wilagro, I keep an eye out.

        One question.

        Why do you hate or fear individual freedom so much?

        Are you that insecure about your own abilities?


          Kind of like how most farmers let the multi-nationals "pick over their carcasses" when they rush to grow canola so quickly that seed virtually cannot be found right now. If farmers are so afraid of the multi-nationals, why don't we see the same kind of panic to grow wheat?

          Judging by what I'm reading in these forums, the multi-nationals offer far better value for farmers than the CWB. The reason is that they have to compete for the business of farmers; they can't threaten them with fines and jail like the CWB does.

          As for the Tories losing votes in the West, I have to concur with Adam Smith. Just wait until someone asks Ken Dryden about the Liberal position on the firearms registry. Then you'll see the wheels come off Dullyawn's dog and pony show.


            A S I don't think that it is a fair conclusion to say that those who voted didn't know what they voted for. I also don't think it is fair to say that farmers chose these people to be directors.

            Maybe you're clearer but I still don't know who voted. I believe whomever did knew what they were voting for. I still don't know what they voted for.


              Wilagro - New found poverty??? We are getting 2.50 a bushel man. The price can't go any lower.

              MustardMan - better change your name to wheatman. The multinationals will pick over your carcass when you try and sell your mustard.


                Adam Smith you should look at district 3 where incumbent Larry Hill took 66% of votes for cwb director.
                This is Anderson's riding where he took 90 % or more of last election.
                Obviously we have a lot of tories who are deaf dumb and maybe blind.
                Or maybe they just weren't paying attention !!!

                Hfl - yes I will have to keep my eyes open my mustard I sold for 14 cents is now 20 cents, my neighbours 10 cent canary is now 20 cents 4months later
                if you did your research on these crops your results were the 'pipeline is full'. So we now have companies picking these crops up for cheap and making a huge profit.
                I have 9 different crop I grow that are on open market- thats plenty of choice !!! Quit bitchin that wheat is under CWB.
                If you don't like it you can grow any
                number of other crops .


                  Socialist theme song:

                  "If you don't like it you can grow any
                  number of other crops . "

                  La la la.
                  "If you don't like it you can grow any
                  number of other crops . "

                  "I growwwwww non-Board musssstard


                    yes mustardman. I will vote with my drill in 2007


                      20 cents for mustard and canary? Wow, we better get them under the CWB. Maybe we get all the way up to 10 cents. The bottom line is that we've got competitive prices on almost every crop this year and 9 out of 10 are non-board. Please explain again how we can't survive without the CWB.


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