I concur Mustardman.
We all need to know what were voting for.
It's too bad so many farmers didn't know what they were voting for. Hopefully they will pay more attention next time.
It was quite clear to me what the consevatives policy was. In fact Harper even stated in the debates.
But here's a little fodder for you to consider.
CWB District 9 consists of approx 4 Federal ridings. 2 MB, 2 Sask
Bill Nicholson (the anti-free choice guy who won) got between 1900 and 2000 votes. Thats roughly 475 votes per federal riding. That are hard core cwb supporters. Of those 475 votes probably 300 have never voted consevative in their life. So that leaves 175 voters per riding who may switch because of the cwb.
Merv Tweed in Brandon Souris beat the closest candidate by something like 17000 votes.
Do the math and then tell us again why the conservatives should be worried about the impact the cwb policy will have on their electoral fortunes in the west .
I read today where Shephan Dullyawn is getting Ken Dryden to spearhead the fight to counter the Consevatives CWB policy.
If it wasn't so bloody laughable, I might comment further but I think that decision speaks volumes about where the Liberals are on western grain policy.
We all need to know what were voting for.
It's too bad so many farmers didn't know what they were voting for. Hopefully they will pay more attention next time.
It was quite clear to me what the consevatives policy was. In fact Harper even stated in the debates.
But here's a little fodder for you to consider.
CWB District 9 consists of approx 4 Federal ridings. 2 MB, 2 Sask
Bill Nicholson (the anti-free choice guy who won) got between 1900 and 2000 votes. Thats roughly 475 votes per federal riding. That are hard core cwb supporters. Of those 475 votes probably 300 have never voted consevative in their life. So that leaves 175 voters per riding who may switch because of the cwb.
Merv Tweed in Brandon Souris beat the closest candidate by something like 17000 votes.
Do the math and then tell us again why the conservatives should be worried about the impact the cwb policy will have on their electoral fortunes in the west .
I read today where Shephan Dullyawn is getting Ken Dryden to spearhead the fight to counter the Consevatives CWB policy.
If it wasn't so bloody laughable, I might comment further but I think that decision speaks volumes about where the Liberals are on western grain policy.