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Merry Christmas

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    Merry Christmas

    It's sad that Agriville is over, I've watched all the threads for years until this past one that I joined in the discussions.

    Anyway I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!!

    P.S. Lets all hang in there I think the next 4-5 years are going to a different farming industry from how we've ever known before.

    I will also echo the wish for a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. I share in the sense of optimism here for the future in agriculture. New opportunities are emerging everyday both for more consumer driven food needs and new industrial uses (no has ever mentioned bio plastics here).


      Enjoy the holidays with family and friends. It's been great to discuss varied topics in the industry throughout the year with all of you. May the new year bring you opportunities to succeed in attaining your goals and dreams.

      p.s. nice gift from the markets today!!


        Those of us that work here at CDC South have just finished out staff annual Christmas pot luck dinner. It was good to spend time with so many people that I often only see in passing. I heard lots of laughter and some moaning from too much good food.

        It reminded me how important our families - our work ones and our home ones - are at this time of year.

        Merry Christmas too all who contribute to Agri-ville by posting or just reading. And let's hope this site is around for a long time past 2007.




            Charlie and Lee;

            Merry Christmas!

            I hope you can continue in the new year with your good ideas and participation!

            Glad the site will continue past Jan 1 07!

            God Bless you all,

            God Bless Canada, and our freinds to the south as well, who we are thankful for investing in our futures!

            Thanks to all Agri-ville participants as we all make the information more complete and the reading more interesting!

            Tom Jackson


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