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Campaign to Save Agri-ville

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    Campaign to Save Agri-ville

    Here is a challenge:

    For all you regular Agri-villians, (that includes all you readers too), if you have connections with people in the Agri-industry with the ability to purchase this site, perhaps even expanding it with bigger and better content, contact them now.

    What I'm thinking is that that the Cargill's, Bayers', Monsanto's, Agricore', Pioneers, Dupont's etc of the world, jointly fund this site. As part of their cost to invest in it, they can run banner ads, information updates, and links with in it?

    If just one of these companies wants to take it, I'm ok with that.

    What say you all?

    After all, who wants to go to a US site, we have a good site here already, with lots of potential?

    Start calling.

    Merry Christmas.

    I think that you are way off base.
    It does not cost very much to run a website.
    I do not think that the owners have anything to sell except maybe the trademark.
    Who is going to pay for a website when a new one with a different name could be started up for peanuts. Programming is available for this type of website for free.
    I contacted the people that run this website and they could not even be bothered to return a phone call.
    Since there is not any stats available as far as number of hits and visits etc, I can only suspect that there are not too many visitors. Agriculture is a declining business. Nobody really cares.

    Maybe they are looking for government money or something like that.


      A noble idea.


      Correct me where I have it wrong, you think we need big gov't and gov't agencies in place to protect us from the big bad profit makers, but when you want support for something like this site you want some donations and investment?

      Why not just a checkoff from the pool accounts to keep things rolling?

      Nobody would (or should) mind as it would be in the best interest of everyone if your idea of what is best is funded, right?


        the only problem with the check off idea is that the actual cost is so small that the adminstation of a check off would probably outweigh the cost of maintaining the website. But I do agree that this should be funded by those who benefit from it, and that would include me. I bet there is someone's kid or family member who is capable of maintaining this site, it's just a matter of finding that person. The only question is, is there a price tag for the take over of this site.



          I think silverback was being sarcastic, weren't you silverback?

          I can't imagine silverback approving of a website checkoff from the CWB pooling accounts.



            rbrunel, the time involved in maintaining a site like this is far beyond someone's daghter or son. Server maintenance, prgramming, and cost alone is for serious inquiries only.

            The site however could be paired down, but then the revenue generated would be less and costs to operate go up. Good stuff takes money, lotsa money.


              Sarcasm on high.


                Sarcasm? What do you mean?


                  Oops the other post, never mind.


                    Silverback: you are so one-sided thinking. I support a mixture of a CWB and open markets, both keeping each other in check. It appears to me that you wiil only be happy when there is only one buyer left.
                    I never said I dont support private enterprise, my farm is private enterprise. Board sales are only 1/3 of my production due to rotational factors, and diversifying marketing risk. This year my wheat yields were extremely high, so I'll make money on wheat. My canola yields were below average due to the excessive summer heat and lack of rain. I'll loose some money on canola this year (although I havent sold any yet).

                    I also suggested that this site should use banner ads to support the site (this is how google makes most of their money).

                    You guys sure arent open to other's opinions. Just like the Wild West. Yeh-Hah! No wonder so few others want to join in.


                      Benny, you said, ”You guys sure arent open to other's opinions. Just like the Wild West. Yeh-Hah! No wonder so few others want to join in.”

                      I believe many of us are very open to others opinions, in fact one of my deep rooted beliefs lies in the belief that everyone deserves an equal opportunity to chart their own path in life. What others think, what others say and what others do is for them to decide, not me. I believe the only thing that I am obliged to offer them is my respect for their rights to think and act differently than me.
                      However I am not obliged to agree, nor, should I be compelled to do something I fundamentally oppose.

                      This is why I will always oppose the CWB’s forced monopoly.

                      But I find it quite telling that you should hypocritically criticize others one sided thinking and insinuate that others aren’t open to others opinions. How open have the anti-choice people been to the Task Forces recommendation of creating a voluntary CWB II? The CWB BOD and any group or individual who supports forced collectivization were out the gates bashing the task force report within minutes of it’s release. How much time was afforded considering others opinions then? I’ll answer that one for you. NONE.

                      I’ll tell you this, if I were to have it my way, I would close the cwb down and make it so that nothing even close to resembling it could exist in this country ever again. But there are many others who believe a voluntary cwb can work, I also believe it can work, I have no doubt in my mind it can work. But I don’t think it should even be given the opportunity to work. I’ll admit that my motives are not pure here. I want restitution for the years of lost opportunity and the cwb’s eager use of power to lord over others. I believe it to be travesty of justice for the cwb to continue existing, in any form. But that isn’t my call to make and if others want to offer the cwb a chance to redeem itself once in competition, fine, I’ll accept it. But in no way shape or form will I ever accept a system that gives you the ability to take away my fundamental rights, like the right to own and enjoy ones own property as well as the right to freely associate.

                      That is something that is non negotiable with me and with a great many others.


                        Perfectly said.

                        Merry Christmas.


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