...tom4cwb...your talking to someone that has not used the board for years ...my grain production goes through my cattle ...if you feel you can produce against the rest of the world when your market is tied to chicago...when your imputs are the same as those farmers that have different ag policies...go for it...like i said i have no problem with you producing more but you never did answer the question... what will you do when no one around the world wants your product for what you feel its worth...
...wd9...i agree 100% on subs...you did notice how our beef industry went running to the govt right after may 03...it was the the fellows higher up the chain...there the ones that needed the govt subs...why was that...why was cow-calf man allowed to lose piles of equity and still are... you would have a hard time convincing me that since our fat market has stayed at 85 cents for over a year that it as anything to do with supply and demand...
...wd9...i agree 100% on subs...you did notice how our beef industry went running to the govt right after may 03...it was the the fellows higher up the chain...there the ones that needed the govt subs...why was that...why was cow-calf man allowed to lose piles of equity and still are... you would have a hard time convincing me that since our fat market has stayed at 85 cents for over a year that it as anything to do with supply and demand...