When you state:
"As far as our fed. gov't, they will get my respect when they get gov't out of changing the cwb and let us do it thru our elected directors"
Elected Directors are like Barbi-dolls. They dress nice but it's the the CWB/Gov't that dresses them up.
What you are revealing to Agri-villers is that you you don't even realize that the CWB was created by Government for Government, is run by Government, and cannot be changed by anyone BUT bloody government.
Farmers' only role is to grow grain. Not to put on the show. Or to stop the show. Governments have always had the legislative say. Final say, mustardman. They are the show.
The only present role of farmers is to apply to Government to get front row seats at the show, and indeed, the CWB will have handed out front seat tickets, which is what you worry about. "What did my neighbor get?"
For any farmer worth his ancestor's salt, (to immigrate here for a better life), he had better learn what the CWB really is...a state instrument.... what it does....state intervention.
Don't do yourself a disservice, mustardman. Admit you have a state run agency, and quit trying pretend and pass it off as farmer-run.
When you state:
"As far as our fed. gov't, they will get my respect when they get gov't out of changing the cwb and let us do it thru our elected directors"
Elected Directors are like Barbi-dolls. They dress nice but it's the the CWB/Gov't that dresses them up.
What you are revealing to Agri-villers is that you you don't even realize that the CWB was created by Government for Government, is run by Government, and cannot be changed by anyone BUT bloody government.
Farmers' only role is to grow grain. Not to put on the show. Or to stop the show. Governments have always had the legislative say. Final say, mustardman. They are the show.
The only present role of farmers is to apply to Government to get front row seats at the show, and indeed, the CWB will have handed out front seat tickets, which is what you worry about. "What did my neighbor get?"
For any farmer worth his ancestor's salt, (to immigrate here for a better life), he had better learn what the CWB really is...a state instrument.... what it does....state intervention.
Don't do yourself a disservice, mustardman. Admit you have a state run agency, and quit trying pretend and pass it off as farmer-run.