To all the CWB promotors. Explain to me why I can get more in the FEED market for #1 red spring 11.5% protein and less and #2 red spring 13.5% of less. Same goes for durum. Barley comparison isn't even close so no need to even talk about it. If this is not proof anough as to how bad the CWB markets your grain then this whole issue has become a "religious" argument to you. Just believe in the CWB on faith alone and keep the blinders on.
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Feed prices compared to the CWB
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CWB supporters have blinders on. Example Christmas with the in-laws, I was the bad guy again stating that the CWB is a joke and should be dropped.
Lets explain some more the in-laws are in their late 60 made a piss pot of cash in late 70S early 80s don't like the new farmers they would like every thing to be as it was before, have a drink with local elevator agent get a 2 when every one else is a 3, black book with over grain deliveries. Malt barley 50 bushel but get malt. etc etc.
This is what Iam up against, but explain that I delivered 100% of my feed barley for $3.10 a bushel payment in 1 weeks 100% payment CWB malt is $1.50 payment and maybe a year from now a final payment and think they'll get what I got HA!
We need a vote and Ill put up my 7000 against their 1100 any day.
Cash feed barley prices have gone from 1.80 in mid september to 3.00 now(in my area), the average is somewhere between the two values. The purpose of the cwb isn't to be a speculator and try to hit the top of the market. They shoot for an average price and that's what the pros reflect.
The bottom line is when prices rise the pool looks bad and when prices fall the pool looks good.
I hate pooling with a passion and am a supporter of the ppos and any other tool that gives us more freedom to price and deliver our grain.
Yah your right the pools always look better when the markets drop except the problem is that the people not in the pool capitalize on high markets and people in the pool see the markets fall and think there still going to fetch what the CWB promised them.Except they find out when they get their final payment that the pool is subject to the markets to.In the fall of 2002 I had all 3cwrs that the local hog barn was offering 5.00 for.
but I decided I would stay in the pool because the pro was around 6.00 However buy the time final payments came out I ended up around 4.50.A good price now means alought more than a high PRO promising more money later.I have seen it too many times.Why is CWRS PRO only up 6%.The wheat markets have had a pretty big correction and I bet the CWB has a lot of sales to make and has run out of time.For people in the pool accounts the best case scenario would be mediocre to sucky.
Craig and NFU're, sorry for the long delay in response, but I have work to do on the farm, no time for this everyday.
I read that stat in Morris Dorrishs rag also. His paper is about as informative as the Art Bell radio show (you know the one about conspiracy theories, UFO's and Boogyman).
Anyways, the PRO is a averaged price return over a one year period, Wheres as Morris' stats are hand picked.
Since you like referring to US prices, tell us how much the US gulf and PNW prices changed in the same period. Where is the US protein premiums.. Why are the US wheat exports down from last year?
Could it be the wheat market doesn't trade at a 1:1 ratio to canola?
What are the intended seeded acreage for wheat in 2007 globally?
I'd suggest dumping Morris's tabloid rag and subscribe to real marking newsletter,
You do not want to compare PNW prices for US wheat to CWB PROs. PNW for at least 5 months was $250 or better for LOW protein wheat. Who cares about protein premiums on top of that. Ontario producers have sold SOFT wheat for $233 a ton and at one point were getting $6 a bushel. We would be getting $4 a bushel for barley and $5 for feed wheat if the CWB did what it says it can do. Do you have any idea how much CWB grain is going to the feed market. Its now starting to drive down bis on feed.
PNW (Bids) Prices last week:
Soft wheat: $205 CDN / Tonne
HRS low pro: $225 CDN/ Tonne
DNS 14.0%: $236. CDN /tonne
CDN:=1.155 US
OWB recent soft wheat prices just over $200 /tonne
Walk: Please ensure you are comparing apples to apples. Are quoting bid or offer values, and are they basis clean grain, fob, or track PNW?
Please requote all your prices worked back to inland Minot North Dakota (using US car rates)
Also, please post your data sources, i'd like to look at them one weekend evening.
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