pARSEly, The question you have to ask is why Cuba is socialist or why have so many latin american and s.american countries tried to go that route.
Simple answer - U.S foreign policy-
The U.S has used and abused many of these countries taking every thing out and putting nothing back - bullying tactics that continually backfire. Because it causes the people to want to be in charge of their own country and this gives rise to leaders like Che guverra and Fidel.
Nicaragua -same thing- people elect a socialist gov't instead of the US puppet ,so U.S arms and trains the opposition party and causes the deaths of thousands - Ronald Regan called them freedom fighters, sure sounds like a noble cause eh ?
Chille -same thing-people elect socialist gov't ,so CIA back and train an army under Agusto Pinochet, assassinate the elected leader and Pinochet is installed where he goes on to butcher ,torture , **** and pillage
(Sure he is a Dictator but at he's their Dictator) When people think of 9/11 in chille they are thinking of Sept 11 1973 when there leader (iendez)
was killed and the brutal regime took over.
The U.S talk alot about freedom and democracy but the truth is they don't care as long as the dictator in power allows them easy access to any wealth their country might have.
Most of The Sept 11 2001 terroist came from Saudi Arabia - one family controls entire country- House of Saud-
However U.S administration is on good relations with Saudi Arabia (due to OIl ) So they don't need to invade there heh how about invading Iraq,
we don't get along with Saddam (even though he was trained and supported by U.S when Iran was common enemy)
So parsley I think we have to remember that the U.S is a great friend and ally BUT when they are doing something wrong I think we have to tell them. They are upset that we trade with Cuba, too bad they should get over the bay of pigs and start trading with Cuba as well instead of trying to starve them out.
Simple answer - U.S foreign policy-
The U.S has used and abused many of these countries taking every thing out and putting nothing back - bullying tactics that continually backfire. Because it causes the people to want to be in charge of their own country and this gives rise to leaders like Che guverra and Fidel.
Nicaragua -same thing- people elect a socialist gov't instead of the US puppet ,so U.S arms and trains the opposition party and causes the deaths of thousands - Ronald Regan called them freedom fighters, sure sounds like a noble cause eh ?
Chille -same thing-people elect socialist gov't ,so CIA back and train an army under Agusto Pinochet, assassinate the elected leader and Pinochet is installed where he goes on to butcher ,torture , **** and pillage
(Sure he is a Dictator but at he's their Dictator) When people think of 9/11 in chille they are thinking of Sept 11 1973 when there leader (iendez)
was killed and the brutal regime took over.
The U.S talk alot about freedom and democracy but the truth is they don't care as long as the dictator in power allows them easy access to any wealth their country might have.
Most of The Sept 11 2001 terroist came from Saudi Arabia - one family controls entire country- House of Saud-
However U.S administration is on good relations with Saudi Arabia (due to OIl ) So they don't need to invade there heh how about invading Iraq,
we don't get along with Saddam (even though he was trained and supported by U.S when Iran was common enemy)
So parsley I think we have to remember that the U.S is a great friend and ally BUT when they are doing something wrong I think we have to tell them. They are upset that we trade with Cuba, too bad they should get over the bay of pigs and start trading with Cuba as well instead of trying to starve them out.