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Good news bad news

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    Good news bad news

    For those in Central Alberta there is some good news and bad news. The bad news is that Feedrite will be closing it's feedmill in Lacombe. They will maintain warehouse but does eliminate a local market for some feedgrains. The good news is the word is out that the new large ethanol, canola crushing plant and bio diesel seems slated for the Penhold area. They were wanting a location for 200 car spot.

    About 70 per cent of farmers who voted in the Manitoba government's symbolic plebiscite said they want to keep the status quo on wheat, while support dipped to 62 per cent for barley.

    About 65 per cent of eligible farmers participated in the $80,000 plebiscite.


      So Parsley, you're saying the good news is that most of the Commies in Canada are relegated to Manitoba? The bad news is that it's the one that I live in.


        Ignorant hart would be a better moniker!!


          The topic was Goodnews badnews, bh.

          Take your pick.
          But were you surprised by the results?



            I was surprised by the barley results. The vote in favour didn't reach the 66% level which in most minds is the significant threshold. Even for MB that was a surprise.

            The good news is that votes don't really matter in this case. Marketing grain is a business and as such should not be governed by a collective action. This has nothing to do with democracy. The good news is this has everything to do with rights. The right to carry on enterprise.

            The bad news is we haven't had any good news in wheat and barley marketing systems since the CWB Act.


              Your minister was single-lathering so publically, I presumed that the voter turnout would be higher.



                I thought that only you and I were the only MB farmers who want out of the grungy rat infested ghetto. Turns out there's another 3500 wheat producers and 4300 barley producers just like you and I.

                Not too shabby, when you consider we've been led to believe it's only a few WCWGA members who want freedom from the Borg.


                  Wowchuk single lathering? YIKES!

                  I was surprised the turnout wasn't higher. Last week on CKLQ radio's open line show, people were reporting that ballots were sent to people that hadn't farmed for 18 years and in some case to people that had never farmed. Wonder what the percentage of ineligible people was that voted?

                  You're right AS, I hadn't thought of the big news in this story. The people voting against the CWB were really voting for no CWB at all! No choice, just the market as it should be...open!


                    craig: Talked to a farmer who has been contacted by a land agent from this proposed bio fuel company? South of Penhold. They are talking price.


                      Braveheart, I heard a report of a town plumber getting a ballot. Never farmed in his life. His father, who has since passed on, did farm ten years ago.

                      Just goes to show that in order for any vote to be of value, must be able to vote by shares or tonnes sold. That way a vote only has meaning if there is production to go with it and 100000 bushels in 05 and 06 would mean something, 3500 bushels in 1990 wouldn't mean anything.



                        Depends upon how much you get per bushel, doesn't it?


                          Parsley, not if you got it in 1990! or 1995.

                          It's either one man one vote like an election or it's a corporate model vote based on current shares held. And since there are no shares you must base it on something else. Acres, Tonnes, or as you say value of production. I really don't care which just as long as it's weighted somehow.


                            You're right. I wasn't reading what you WROTE.

                            Sorry about that, Adam.

                            BTW, do you know how many of the 4300 barley voters were cattlemen? Any stats?



                              Depends on where you sold it? Did you sell it to the CWB or the local feedlot...its all barley right?
                              How about barley silage or hayland that was once in barley?
                              Maybe these brave souls got sick of getting screwed by the CWB and decided they had had enough of that BS? But fact remains...they could still sell barley if they chose?
                              A whole lot of former grain farmers voted with their seed drill...or their silage cutter!
                              How many places in western Canada can't grow barley? It is about the easiest crop to grow!
                              The big fact is this: There should be NO plebicite on barley...it is your right to grow whatever you damned well please and not have every Tom, Dick and Harry decide where you will sell it!


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