Craig and North Farmer. The only way you are going to have any power in the marketplace is to work with other farmers through marketing boards like the CWB or supply management. Even if you grow a million dollars worth of crops you are still a very small and minor player in the food system. It is unlikely that Canadian farmers can invest in any significant grain handling and food processing operations based solely on farm profits and asetts. The risks can be very high. Most farms are cash short and debt ridden and barely surviving. Please explain how you are going to compete against multinational players such as thoselisted below that can easily take a loss on any particular operation in any country they operate in in order to drive the small competition out of business when necessary. The other question is, if the CWB is the impediment to farmer investment and farmer ownership of processing industries why do farmers not own the beef packing industry or the canola crushing industry? Neither has a marketing board?
For 2004 in Canadian Dollars,
Cargill Inc. 92 Billion in Revenue, 2.7 Billion in Profit. ADM 47 Billion in Rev., 643 million in profits. Con Agra 18 Billion in Rev., 1,055 Billion in Profits. Atria Group (Kraft) 116,498 Billion in Revenue, 12,241 Billion in Profit.
For 2004 in Canadian Dollars,
Cargill Inc. 92 Billion in Revenue, 2.7 Billion in Profit. ADM 47 Billion in Rev., 643 million in profits. Con Agra 18 Billion in Rev., 1,055 Billion in Profits. Atria Group (Kraft) 116,498 Billion in Revenue, 12,241 Billion in Profit.