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FNA and Glyphosate

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    FNA and Glyphosate

    I realize this does not fit under commodity marketing, but it sure has me and some others quite fired up.

    FNA has purchased all the Clear-Out 41 from the U.S. and charging us $4.25 per litre for the product. On a 2000 acre farm, an FNA member ship costs 43 cents an acre. People were buying Clear-Out 41 for $3.75 and acre last year. So NFA has hiked the price 50 cents and acre and to get a memebership (depending on farm size) will cost you even more.

    I hope my calucations are correct. If they are....thanks a lot FNA! They are acting like just another chemical company.

    Why would they buy up that much Clear-Out 41 when we as producer already have access to it. Makes absolutly no sense to me.

    Please enlighten me someone.

    So they can make money.


      Off the farmers back. They are supposed to be helping us.



        One must respectfully ask why we must grade or use CGC services... unless the end-use customer requests and needs them.

        If growers need these services fine, they can request and pay for them.

        Right now the CGC doesn't respect or serve either grower or end-user satisfactorly, and the CWB is the biggest hinderance in pushing for CGC reform.

        About time we fixed this problem.


          Smart Dude eh!


            Actually I bought ClearOut last year for $3.90 delivered(ordered it in January from FNA). Otherwise the cheapest I could find was $3.96 (plus some delivery charges). I did not price it all the way out because it was just not interesting.
            Also you have to consider that under the OUI rules the users are required to recycle the containers. That costs money because you can't just bring it to the normal container recycling centres for free, because that service ist paid for by our "friends" from CropLife. This recycling fee is included in the FNA price. Is that recycling fee included if you buy direct in the US?

            As for the membership fee: I don't know where you get your information from but two weeks ago a 1 year membership cost $535 or $0.27 pear acre for a 2000 Acre farm.


              As I understand it end use customers require independant labs for certifying and testing


                While you need to concerned by increased cost being steamed without an explanation isn't productive. I paid $4.25 per litre for clearout last year through FNA. Maybe there is a different cost structure depending on where you live. best to call FNA for an explanation.I was at an FNA meeting yesterday and they are under pressure to get involved with more products and services. As you stated you could do all your own paperwork and go across the line to purchase your own. Your option if they get out of line. Don't forget that FNA is why the chemical is priced much lower than in past. Also don't forget FNA did all the work to contact producers to lobby government to keep the OUI program in place. They are working against high paid full time chemical company staff in Ottawa.


                  Yea this constant hitting on FNA makes me wounder if your not a member of crop life?
                  Crop life is out to get FNA and put a stop to this cheap generic chemicals from getting into Canada. There not working for farmers that's the furthest from their mind.
                  They want to stop this loop hole fast because I believe 10 of our top chemicals pattens runs out in 08. And as far as bringing your own back from the US My price down their plus doing the paper work and getting it home is same as FNA or so close its not worth it. Also compare apples to apples lots of cheap clear-out 41 is available without the extra surfactant. Know what your buying.
                  And on the membership side get your facts strait its .27 an acre for 2000 or less.
                  Crop life Canada will win if farmers don't get the facts strait.


                    "Crop life Canada will win if farmers don't get the facts strait"

                    The wheat board has used this tactic for 25 years and it has worked well for them.


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