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Mythality: Where myth and reality dominate the horizon.

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    Mythality: Where myth and reality dominate the horizon.

    I have come to the sad realization that facts will not automatically increase the reality when it comes to the CWB debate. Because the people who believe the myth do not believe the facts.

    The facts prove that the reality is, that the CWB has served,and continues to serve:
    The industry, the world and the employees better than the farmers.

    Which is why the Algerian Director was quoted as saying
    The CWB's selling price in Algeria are very low. This preferential price saves Algeria several tens of thousands of dollars per tonne purchased. NO other country gives us such benefits." Mohamed Kacem, Director General of OAIC Algerian State Trading Agency. This statement surprisingly when given to a CWB supporter actually holds no credence as evidence the CWB serves the world better than the farmer.

    And why when we graph prices paid to farmers and find they are always on average lower than any other numbers we find in the world, a wheat board supporter will not believe these numbers. Believers say, "well this is a different world, or not the same wheat." (But I thought our wheat was better quality so compared to any wheat it should be worth more? I ask to no defence?)

    The sad reality of this debate is not vested in facts. I have come to realize that the proponents of the myth will ignore facts and find the actual common denominator in less, nor more. The reality is we take comfort in the fact "the neighbour cannot get more that I do." At the end of the day when we peel back the truth, support lies in the fact that we like the theory (we all get the same Comrad) even when facts would suggest the lowest common denominator rules the day.

    Which is why we ignore facts, and even today the Grays study gets headlines of how we get better value in barley sales even when feed barley can be sold for more money than malt barley through the board.

    Myth and reality in this arena are not distinguishable to normally fluent minds.

    It could be argued that feed prices themselves are being depressed by malt barley and wheat being dumped into the feed market.



      "It could be argued that feed prices themselves are being depressed by malt barley and wheat being dumped into the feed market."

      The simple fact is that Human Consumption barley and wheat are premium food products... that bring premium prices in other industrialised countries.

      That grain growers are prevented from accessing these other premium markets... and sell instead to domestic feed markets... which are limited by the level and demand of the CWB Board market.

      Subsitution is clearly at work here as it is in the corn market in the US.
      As Ethanol consumes the corn, prices rise... for all grains... not just corn.

      If milling wheat and Malt barley were allowed to rise to world values... up $.50-$1/bu... do you believe feed grains would not rise as well?

      But then... just as peaqueen says... I may as well save my breath... no one is home... even if they were... they don't care anyway.


        But can someone please help me to understand: What is it about the CWB that the believers do not even expect proof and demand results.

        They will believe the academic studies, written by people who have never had to survive or engage in a real marketplace.

        I find it truly inconceivable to understand how farmers who normally criticize the performance of employees & goverment agencies will accept that employees of an unaccountable agency will do a better job that they will at achieving a value for their commodities.


          Little Bobby drags his blankey around with him because he just can't get through the day without it.



            Well, actually Tom, that was my point. There is a larger supply of feedgrain, only because premium quality grains, aren't able to capture those premiums through the board, and are then entering domestic feed markets.
            It has the effect of lowering my neighbor’s feedlot costs, at the grain farmer’s expense.



              See "Goodnews Badnews" for the context... I will rodger copy it here for CP so he doesn't have to visit the International Space Station to find it!

              EHHHH! Hard of hearing CP and CHuckCHuck?


              Have you ever heard of this brain wasting disease called CWB in the northern hemisphere of planet Earth?

              C: stands for a Canglomeration ... within a certain area called the "designated area" in Canada where rural people in this area have been especially genetically mutated and are culturally selected to grow wheat and barley. The harsh cold climate and Aurora Borealis has a mutating environmental effect on the effected people.

              W: stands for the wasting disease that causes the brains of these genetically mutated and selected grain growers to go into great contortions and mental distress if anyone ever speaks an "evil" against this wasting disease that... occupies the minds of these disabled folks on long dark nights... especially when it is cold... and there is less than 10 hours of sunlight.

              B: is for numbing effect this mutation has on the brain... a phenomenon that can include speech impediments and brain impairments... that are not found anywhere else on the globe... except in one far region deep in the southern hemisphere... Australia I believe.

              This disabling disease causes delusions and dementia in which any normal subject matter can be instantly and without warning be turned into one of the following:

              A ) a communist plot to throw God fearing grain growers in jail for just trying to provide food and shelter for their families…
              B) Conversely a Capitalist scheme in which an all powerful Multi-demon-Usanglomeration; is plotting to take over the world with a “new world order” which will plunge all comrads into an eternity of seducing brimstone burning in a mental lake of fire and destruction. THese folks are said to see Buuurning Bushes when surfing the

              Deep in the southern hemisphere the C is replaced with an A… which means “Auglomeration” a continent that got the other half of the mentally mutated misfits from the EU when it needed Down Under Emu feathers to decorate the Canadian beaver pelts!


              If these mutants would look after their Pulses, and grow healing miracle oils, we are told it could reverse the mutations!

              It is also possible the mutation can be healed with a Conservative application of Canola oil to heal their mutated brain cells... some special IMC Nexera convergence (applied to stop scalping) and another application that helps them with H.E.A.R.ing (a special injection) in the Right ear only!

              Some say they should just get the Mustard out and get going... after they feel their Oats... they will never look back... !


                -tom you need to get some sleep.


                  Rip Van Winkel type sleep.


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