I am often amazed at how low prices are in Saskatchewan? A few farmers from this area are moving to Saskatchewan to take advantage of cheap land that they can expand on...it is impossible here.
I am also amazed at the cheap prices for hay in Saskatchewan? I would think the cow herd should be growing by leaps and bounds but apparently that is not the case...stats say the Sask. herd actually shrunk last year.
I would think Saskatchewan could still be a place a young man could go if he wanted to farm?
I live about three miles from the Calgary-Edmonton corrider and land prices are so out of line with what can be produced it is ridiculous! But in a way it is the best of both worlds? Very close to a large urban center with all the goodies, yet still fairly rural, but getting more city "escapees" every year! Lots of oil and gas activity.
I am also amazed at the cheap prices for hay in Saskatchewan? I would think the cow herd should be growing by leaps and bounds but apparently that is not the case...stats say the Sask. herd actually shrunk last year.
I would think Saskatchewan could still be a place a young man could go if he wanted to farm?
I live about three miles from the Calgary-Edmonton corrider and land prices are so out of line with what can be produced it is ridiculous! But in a way it is the best of both worlds? Very close to a large urban center with all the goodies, yet still fairly rural, but getting more city "escapees" every year! Lots of oil and gas activity.