agstar, has the order passed?
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Strahl Order In Council
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Curious enough, aren't there new board of director members who who support the new a changed CWB? I assume decisions like this are made by majority rule and not concensus. Must be an interesting board room.
Politicians of all stripes must be watching this with some level of trepidation - a renegade government agency. Lets see, it was the conservatives that pushed for change to method of payment and it was the liberals that finally did away with it (at a much reduced tax payer expense). Issues around the CWB will be dealt with - the only question is when and under whose mandate.
agstar seems to know all about the order. Maybe he can tell a few of the elected Directors to stop squabbling away pool account money.
If you want to read todays CWB thread on, it links this Globe and Mail quote:
"Ken Ritter, the wheat board's elected chairman, would not comment on the order yesterday. He said it is highly complex, and the board will not discuss it publicly until it has received legal advice and met to discuss it."
The CWB Board of Directors should be sued for twitilation.
As a farmer< I really feel bad that Mr. Measner was fired, after all, we were the ones asking the CWB for changes and to become more political, ie lobby on behalf of farms, take on the railways etc. Min Stahl is from BC, has no farm background and is playing politics himself, listening to a few stooges who claim to be pals with the big grain companies. They say that sitting at home playing with their PC's they can access world markets. Divide and conquer, that is their hope to kill the CWB once and for all, after all governments are just as lazy as the rest of us. Farming is always in crisis somewhere in Canada. Turn it over to the private sector they can/will solve all the outstanding issues. To heck with the small guys! Lets all get big so we can be special, indeed!
I have a question about timelines:
You posted this topic Sunday Morning, Jan 28, 2007 11:06, right?
Today's MSM says:
"Strahl issued a directive on Friday evening ordering the board of directors to pay interim president and CEO Greg Arason, who hasn't been paid since being appointed on Dec. 19."
Which Saturday paper published an article breaking the story? Wow are they good!
I would like to know the name of the paper that knew the Minister ordered a directive Friday night and wrote about it so promptly that you could inform Agri-ville on a Sunday morning.
I'd like to subscribe.
Strahl refused to let the B.O.D negotiate salary or determine whether Arason should serve more than 90 days. I was wrong only one side is flexible and it is not Strahl!! it looks like he will be running the CWB by order in council from now on. What a sad excuse for a politician but he would make a fine dictator. Maybe Bush could get him to run Iraq, now that Sadam has reached the end of his rope.
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