A interested party indicated this price has been highlighted publically one time. From here on in, will be available to Agricore United customers through their membership/customer area of the web. It is feed barley only and not malt.
The CWB has published similar prices. An in store feed barlye port price as of January 2 was Cdn $195.50/tonne (Insturctions to the trade - grain inventory bulletin # 16). A new one will be published over the next couple of days. I get a fax from the CWB (also sent cooperator/western producer) dated January 19 with a US barley price PNW of USD $194 to $197/tonne. An exchange rate of $1.172 (quoted on the release) gives a price of Cdn $230/tonne FOB. Realizing cost to load a vessel in the US are much cheaper than Canada, the instore price would be about Cdn $215/tonne.
The CWB has published similar prices. An in store feed barlye port price as of January 2 was Cdn $195.50/tonne (Insturctions to the trade - grain inventory bulletin # 16). A new one will be published over the next couple of days. I get a fax from the CWB (also sent cooperator/western producer) dated January 19 with a US barley price PNW of USD $194 to $197/tonne. An exchange rate of $1.172 (quoted on the release) gives a price of Cdn $230/tonne FOB. Realizing cost to load a vessel in the US are much cheaper than Canada, the instore price would be about Cdn $215/tonne.