read carefully cowman,
1. FEED Barley/wheat DA growers can sell to any feedlot in Canada including Alberta. That's off-Board feed grain. Right?
2. Off-board feed grains can't be exported. Only the CWB can export DA FEED Barley/wheat. Right?
3. That's a prohibition of off-board feed grain. Right?
4. That's a violation of NAFTA Article 309. Yes it is.
5. R-CALF is looking for a way, (not to stop grain imports as has been done in the past), but to STOP CATTLE IMPORTS.
6. BEEF IMPORTS, HOG IMPOTS, LAMB IMPORTS, just like dominos, you get the picture, right?
Why would Canadian Cattlemen support the monopoly?
1. FEED Barley/wheat DA growers can sell to any feedlot in Canada including Alberta. That's off-Board feed grain. Right?
2. Off-board feed grains can't be exported. Only the CWB can export DA FEED Barley/wheat. Right?
3. That's a prohibition of off-board feed grain. Right?
4. That's a violation of NAFTA Article 309. Yes it is.
5. R-CALF is looking for a way, (not to stop grain imports as has been done in the past), but to STOP CATTLE IMPORTS.
6. BEEF IMPORTS, HOG IMPOTS, LAMB IMPORTS, just like dominos, you get the picture, right?
Why would Canadian Cattlemen support the monopoly?