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Where Is TOM4CWB?

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    Where Is TOM4CWB?

    Is he now gone on an extended holiday, or is he huddled deep in a thinktank, thinking with the Albert Grain Commission boys, and other major players/friends in the grain industry? Planning and mulling over ways to end existance of the CWB, evil empire that it is!!

    Well, since you guys have the monopoly on vaseline and seem to like it, Tom maybe looking for sand to put in the vaseline so you don't.


      Tom is here hes just under another name.


        TOM4CWB=winwin LSD


          Should read... TOM4CWB LSD=winwin



            According to "SMALL DEAD ANIMALS", the CWB hit men got him.

            Ha ha ha ah ha.


              You had it right the first time NFU!!Reading is a difficlut process for some.Understanding it is a test also.Understanding what you`ve written is even more so!!!!!!When Tom gets back with that sand you`ll really be in trouble!!


                Actually i heard from a reliable source that tom and adam were trying to put together a clothing line that would show the world a more proffesional refined type of farmer.One that doesnt get dirty because that is beneath him and drinks wine instead of beer because its a new world dontshu know and the old sterotype of what a farmer is has changed.Were proffesionals now just like our city friends.


                  Well I hope my little lecture about democracy and how not to shoot yourself in the foot didn't turn those boys off...somehow I doubt it...they have pretty thick skins!
                  I think Adam Smith said he was going to Jamaica for a couple of weeks and maybe TOM decided he needed some "fun in the sun" also? It is that time of year?


                    Tom4CWB is away. I look forward to his postings when he gets home.



                      Doesn't Tom have a laptop? Aren't pro marketers always checking for updated info, trends? Is he going to get to vote?
                      Gosh almighty Batman, we may be in real trouble, if we don't get some input soon!!
                      I am so confused, without guidance I may be forced to stick to the status quo. I know I'll look for guidance elsewhere. Parsley are you there? Please give me at least 99 more reasons why I should hate the CWB, I feel so vulnerable and alone today.


                        99 jars of vaseline so you can continue to get screwed and like it.

                        Anything else?


                          Don't pick on T4 while he's away. Pick on IC .


                            Incognito, good one!!!!LOL!!!!!!!


                              Some in this industry work dam hard ensuring there actually is a future in this industry. Time in Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary, internationally, away from family and friends a lot - away from the farm, maybe too much. Advocating, not so much to move ahead but to hold onto what we got. Transportation, safety nets, biotechnology, renewable energy, land use, PMRA, "green" organization influence, and on and on.

                              The CWB is a tiny, miniscule, almost irrelevant discussion in terms of importance in our industry. With or without it, little will change. You will still get worldish price for your wheat and malt barley.

                              However, can you access new technologies in seed or do you have some NGO organization telling you what works best on your farm? Fair and efficient transportation? Do we keep pissing off customers with our inability to get crop on time to the coast? Crop insurance that works in each province? Effective revenue insurance that is market based and inexpensive?

                              Trade tarrifs that don't distort where and how much your grain can even be marketed for? India lowered the tarriffs on palm and soy oil from 75 to 65%. Canola has to go fight for it, nothing is a given or is fair.

                              Access to international generic chemicals?

                              Should the CWB exist - who gives a flying "if you see Kay". The one thing the votes actually do show. It pales in comparison to the real issues in agriculture. Fortunately agriville and the general media can carry the CWB discussion on ad infinitum, so the rest of us (TOM4CWB included) can work on the real issues.


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