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Where Is TOM4CWB?

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    Wd9, We once planted some Space Tomatoes on our farm, they grew well and weren't deformed.(More details to follow).. We were advised however, not to eat them. Have you done anything like that Wd9? Just one of the examples of how we have done our bit to keep Canadian Ag going forward! All of us working together on obscure odd projects and talking about bizarre subjects, such as improved competition relative to rail service in this Country will benefit all in future years to come.


      Icg, What is all this talk about vaseline? I assume you are referring to the bio- produced version of the product, made using canola oil! Ha,ha...


        Space Toamtoes would work well on your farm Burbert, seein you think like your from space!!!


          You're right Burbert, talking about different subjects though, not always about the same one.

          Yup, grew a very strange plant this year myself, will wait and see what happens in terms of the customer. It is very labour intensive and not sure of the value to me in the end.


            Actually Snappy I think your from space,
            probably from the panet URANUS


              wd, can you smoke it?


                Parsley: did you know that the Apollo moon missions where a hoax put on by the US government? The footage was actually shot in Nevada ? If you look closely at the footage, i can swear I can see Tom4CWB erecting the flag pole.



                  You should be home.

                  Advise date and time legit. voter T. in Ker. AB. will arrive, if you have the info.



                    Hi Folks!

                    Very interesting thread you have got going here!

                    THe cold nights and northern lights must be mutating brain cells again...LOL!

                    I did take my laptop... but my hotel In Halifax had a bad wireless connection... took a couple of days to pry a highspeed connection out of them... but did get it for free after they realised I was part of the 18% of folks who are inelastic on paying $9.99/day prices for internet service!

                    Obviously the law of one price does (or doesn't depending on your perspective) work for internet services... LOL again! Internet cafes, wireless hotspots from Boston Pizza... etc.

                    I was watching you guys... have learn't I am a Myers Briggs ENTJ... so a few lifecourse adjustments might be in order!

                    Talk... Talk... Talk... THink!

                    God Bless all of you.... and all my new freinds in Nova Scotia!

                    GOd Bless Canada!


                      Hey T4 make sure you go to Cheers bar down by the boardwalk about 3 blocks up, great music and open till 7:00AM, or so I have heard!!


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