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We are not alone

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    So enlighten me Agstar, when did Strahl change the cwb act? MHO is that Strahl is applying the act that was developed & forced down our throats by Goodale.


      Agstar;of course the cwb is state controlled comrade!How else can it run the rails,elevators,etc?How else can we jail dissenters/revisionists?Don't pretend for aminute that state control is not what we want or what we have.How else can the likes of you and me get on top?Boss our neighbors?Its just these fools in Ottowa now trying to give up our cherished power.


        Winwin: and protect us from ourselves because individuals do not know what is best.

        How come when my CWB cheques finally arrive I feal so alone?



          I would just appreciate a CWB statement that would explain why thousands of dollars of deductions were subtracted from my cheque!

          Sometimes they add back thousands the next cheque... it is pure loopy accounting.

          If the CWB is so carefull to track everything... perhaps they could add back the excess "contingency fund" adjustment factors... and give this money to the folks who earned it!


            Tom they deduct tens of thousands of dollars from your check then they take off dockage after. So in my case they are charging me 1.7 dollars per bushel for my dockage. Only CWB grains are subject to this.



              In the past years on the interm cheques/statements, the CWB has been mixing pool and PPO priced grains. It is not at all easy to determine what has happened... as a lump sum is subtracted...

              No accounted amount that matches the specific deliveried grain it applied to is on the accounting statement.

              It is a "trust me" system... that has obviously made mistakes.


                Tom I would love to see something added back to my cheques I never have. I have only seen deductions.


                  Wilagro I really don't understand how the group farmers for limited choice or no choice if you must, is some how a bright spot for wheat board supporters.

                  As a supporter of having a wheat board, I find it hard to believe that this group does not seem to recognize the power of parliament. The wheat board is an agency of government in transition to being more accountable and beneficial to growers. I don't see how a group like this will help get us to a better wheat board.

                  No this group looks to me like it will make more farmers in the end more alone.


                    lifer;"The wheat board is an agency of government in transition to being more accountable and beneficial to growers."

                    I agree but our "New Canadian Government" is not going to let the CWB adapt in it's ultimate transition. They want to weaken it, and I believe in the end, kill it.

                    Anyway, whether the site quoted can be of benefit is entirely up to the viewer. It is just a choice than one can make.


                      Thanks for that Wilagro. Having choices is a good thing.

                      Understanding that the CWB is ultimately an agency of government we must accept that it is ultimately the government that controls the CWB. Therefore the government is the one that changes the act. We can pressure, inform, encourage, whatever but we must accept that the government is the one with this final choice.

                      The government of the day has been clear in communicating that they are in favor of more freedoms and opportunities for farmers in the marketing of CWB grains. If the CWB as managed today would be moving in a direction of responding to farmers needs I would guess that the government would back off.

                      What improvements are there in accountability? All I hear is trust us we are good for you. Beneficial to growers. I do not see any options with the CWB that helps bring me closer to the end consumer. Granted that is more of a product mind set rather then a commodity focus but it is where I will ultimately see value and benefit. That is not talking only about money.

                      The way this thread started with “We are not alone” and maybe I read it wrong but I saw this to be we meaning farmers. If farmers continue to go down the path that suggests they are more important then others and some how have an inherent right to farm they will become more alone.

                      Look to opportunities to connect to a consumer, chances to innovate, opportunity to contribute to others and we most certainly will not be alone.


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