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Logical Common Sense

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    Logical Common Sense

    I'm just like everyone else on this website that complains about the CWB. But it comes down to simple common sense, and that is this. The vote that we are about to have is a complete waste of time. Simply because we shouldn't have to vote. If you want to sell your grain through the CWB monopoly... Fine...If you don't want to you shouldn't have to.

    I made the statement, some months back, to Wialgro, Bennyhin, Burbert,etc, just how crazy this actually is. That if you were told you have to sell your Canola through Cargill and you were'nt aloud to sell to the SWP,Agricore,ADM,P&H,LouisDreyfus,JRI, to name few. If this was the case Wilagro(not picking on you), and gang would say...Well that's ridiculous, to even say such a stupid thing, market your Canola only through Cargill HA. So how is it any different with the CWB?

    That's why I said it's logical common sense that this can't continue.

    I hope the Mr. Strahl, does go ahead with a Dual Market System, regardless of what the vote is.

    If you are a logical thinking person, you know this isn't right.

    You've clicked on the really important link, snappy. Why are we voting on whether or not we can sell what we grow?

    Farmers who want to put me in jail for selling what I grow are simply not the kind-of-thinking people I want as as my business partners. Single-Deskers are bad for business!

    Simeon Howard said, as he charged into battle:

    "An incautious people may submit to these demands, one after another, til it's liberty is irrecoverably gone".

    -Next SD's will be voting for quota.

    -Then SD's will be voting for party members only getting quota.

    Single-deskers say they push for it because they want to get more money, as they claim the single-desk will get them more cash

    Jail your neighbor to get more cash.



      Thats right Parsley,it should not even be about more cash. My friends on the left slip into bourgeois talk when they talk about getting more for thenselves.The cwb is about equality,acommand economy,building a utopia.These are all far more important than filthy lucre.If its wealth we want we would go to free farmers markets as in cuba,china,FSU.Our goal should be the ideal;dictatorship of the proletariat.


        Of course the cwb cannot manage toproperly control barley.Their is way too much outside its control.Otto lang gave up control of the domestic market and now this.As agreat man once said"there are only 2 types of control:complete and ineffective."And now our weak cwb directors are beginning to cave in on this ridiculous 'Gate to Plate'exemption.Slippery slope.


          Win Win:
          And the CWB is one the fundamental building blocks for UTOPIA???



            There's a good chance you haven't read any of the Spark's report. I'll quote a little more of it for you:

            Western Canada should actually be a more attractive location as malt manufacturing costs are estimated to be in the range of US$35.00 to US$40.00 per tonne of malt produced,
            while US costs are more in the range of US$45.00 to US$55.00 per tonne.

            According to industry sources, the CWB’s position as the sole source of malting barley in Canada has
            discouraged capital investment in the malting industry in Canada, regardless of the cost factors.



              If the vote goes to the CWB's favor then it is time for an uprising.


                Parsley and gang, you ever notice if you post a comment like this it'll be one of the shortest threads out there? You ask the CWB supporters if it's right, and no answer. I find it especially funny when you give them a scenario with the Canola. How stupid this thing really is.


                  Yep, stupid alright. Eight years ago I got $9.28 a bu. for my canola. Last year my neighbour gor $6.40 bu. for his. Open market good...prices go down real fast...no pooling, no fooling.

                  Gambler's paradise this farming game.



                    Ah, but you should grow Board crops, they make you mre money, you claim.

                    You also get the Board to market your crops, they make you more money you claim

                    The CWB has accredited exporters do you claim they make you more money?

                    I hadn't heard that one.

                    Under the open market you know what your neighbor got and from whom, even though you may really resent it, but you've probably noticed from the sda blog that the CWB's accredited exporter, Eagle Sterling, doesn't list Gordon Machej's name(or whatever/whoever ES is )on their website.

                    Isn't Gordon Machej Eagle Sterling?

                    it's surprising that a CWB accredited agency with CWB experience-credentials isn't a little more transparent.

                    Why does the CWB, along with winwin who represents the true goals of the wilagrows and agstar77s, remain silent with regards to Eagle Sterling's link with a mining company? Mining!

                    Can you imagine winwin et al's howling if any CWB appointee linked his URL to an inactive mining company?

                    An ex-commissioner of the CWB is an accredited exporter and remains incognito, without a comment from wilagrow!

                    Maybe winwin can answer for you if you head for Vader's old hiding place.



                      There is no question that markets can rise or fall quickly Wilagro. But that's the reason Single Desk Supporters don't want a Dual Market. There are a ton ways to protect yourself from falling markets. I don't believe you know this?? It's much easier to sit back and the the CWB do it for you right?? Well sorry I like to take care of my own buisness and run my own farm. That's why Dual Market you can still choose the CWB if you wish.

                      As for price pooling... Garbage. Wilagro when in the last 10 years have you been able to take advantage of a rally with the CWB??

                      The past 2 years I've done all mt Wheat with a DPC and a FPC contract, I signed up my Wheat in July. Not once in 7 months has my DPC been less than $0.50/bus above the PRO. So are you telling me the CWB had all their sales made by July/06, for the 07 year??? I don't think so. But you are such a die CWB supporter, I doubt you even know what a DPC, or FPC contract is.


                        What is this Parsley ?Red baiting?I'm not going to debate ony wrongdoing with you.It is the job of these people to handle the money on behalf of the state and their supporters.Not to answer to any idiot.You don't seem to worry about the big limousines at cargill hq.It is the job of the cwb to ensure that there is no profit in the industry,and then share all the profits equally.


                          1. I did not say there was wrongdoing by anyone. My point is why doesn't Gordon Machej reveal his CWB commisioner experience on his Accreditor exporter link? It's odd.

                          3. You say in the same sentence:"there is no profit in the industry,and then share all the profits equally. " What are you saying here, or do you even know?

                          I find your arguments lack rationality at times.



                            Most guys don't grow malt, because it is such a pain to get it selected. Standards change each year, selectors are fussy on good years and lax on bad years when there is little grain around, like this year for example! Guys don't like to submit samples, then be told that their grain is no good, bummer. The list or reasons to reject the grain is yards long. And guess what, it is a case of farmers, doing it to farmers, the Grain Commission that represents farmers sets standards way to high... nuf said, its only grain after all.



                              The Canadian Grain Commission has no involvement in selecting malt barley - that is done by individual maltster/malt barley exporters. You can have a sample reviewed by the CGC to see which grade category you get paid but that is simply a pooling issue.


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