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Logical Common Sense

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    What does it matter whether or not there are profits,as long as everybody gets the same?You people bake the pie,WE will divide it up.


      Wilagro, I see the problem. You don't know how to market your grain.

      Tell me Wilagro, when in the last 10 years have you ever been able to take advantage of the rallies in Wheat or Barley? I've for the last 2 years done all my Wheat off of a FPC, or DPC contract, not once in the past 8 months has my DPC come anything less than being a $.50/bus premium over the PRO. But being the CWB supporter you are you probably don't even know what a FPC or DPC is. And further more since the DPC and FPC started they've always held a premium to the PRO.

      One more thing to add Wilagro. Just was reading an article tonight that said the CWB missed out on most of the Wheat rally due to alot of sales last summer. I 'll ask you this Wilagro. Would you have had your Wheat sold last July for your 06 harvest?? Nope... Yeah that price pooling is working great for us isn't it!!!



        wilagro posted Apr 16, 2001 21:49
        I am writing from my bunker as the flak flies above me. Now where is that white flag? The rather heated discussions over the CWB and the its impact have been great. However, I have a confession to make. I haven't produced any grain for years now...only enough for my cattle. Since they (Agricore) closed the local elevator, and world grain prices have hit the skids...what is the point? Most of my farm is seeded to forage crops.
        I don't have the answers for solving the grain growers dilemna, but if you expect meaningful gov't assistance or even a consistent agricultural policy in Canada your dreaming in technicolour. The CWB policies at times do not make sense for certain sectors of the farming or business community but at least they have shown a desire to adapt and change (mostly as a result of producers demands).
        Keep up the good fight and don't let the forces of the 'EVIL EMPIRE' (eastern Liberal b------s) get the best of you.
        I will be collecting my OAP shortly...I will soon have more annual NET income than I received from farming. Having a TAXABLE income...will indeed be a pleasant surprise.


          Okay, thats kind of creepy.
          How the heck do you keep track of a post from almost 6 years back?


            go to site map


              LOL...Even I don't keep OLD postings for six years. Shows how incognito's mind works...retro-actively. He probably saves old fingernail clippings as well.


                Chas posted Feb 1, 2001 17:00
                1. The USA government and their farmers would put a stop to no cost licenses to protect their market, you know that and I know that Parsley why keep asking for something that is not going to work. (NOT GOING TO WORK!). My neighbors are professional farmers they don't chase rainbows. If as a farmer you want to get the best deal in another country then we will have to become part of the country.
                2. Corportations are fine parsley but if you don't rein them in they will take advantage of individual farmers. You keep twisting my faith in corportations to fit your likeness Parsley.
                3.Feed grains should be pooled Parsley but because of the rugged individual that you are out in the free market, you removed it from the board because of greed. Allowing it to be trader on the commodities market where they are sure to look after Parsley's bottom line.
                Trust in directors elected by farmers to over see our marketing agencies is the only way we can put stability of pricing into our industry. Your looking for pie in the sky Parsley.

                LOL...Another blast from the past. This one blasts old parsley.

                Archive diving is so much fun.



                  You can't even bring an original argument to the table yourself. You probably still don't understand the argument.

                  I'ii reply to you because Chas percs along like a resurrected winwin.

                  The thing is wilagrow, export licenses are granted all the time.

                  Your CWB elected Directors keep it a secret from you!

                  They take money out of your pooling accounts to license all those big greedy, (you claim), corporations who side-step Board marleting and pooling.

                  The only reason you discovered the hush-hush license-under-the-table policy is because another farmer told you. On Agri-ville! Not information from ritter or flaman. art and butch probably still don't know about it.

                  Did you protest? No

                  Millions of bushels of feedgrains, wilagrow.


                  All bypass Board pooling and marketing because the CWB directors issue them a license.

                  Look on the CWB website for it.

                  Export Manufactured Feed Agreement license. Can you find it?

                  How much squawking have you heard from the Americans, protesting feed grain trucks accompanied by export licenses?

                  None. Since chas' post in 2001? None.

                  No squawking from you either.

                  You are pleased that the CWB does not sell/market that feed grain straight to the multinationals.

                  You are pleased that the multis do not have to pass through the pooling accounts.

                  Why do you think it is good for the corps to bypass Board marketing and pooling, but if Tom 4CWB wants to sell a load , the CWB say no because it will destroy the single desk?

                  Because the CWB tells you that.

                  If the Wheat Board says it, it must be so.

                  That is why you have no credibility wilagrow. Absolutely none.

                  You are inconsistent. Sidestepping is good for some and not for others.

                  Your kids will get a license, but Tom4CWB's wont.

                  What is so sad is that you don't even know when to move over and let the next generation plan so that they DO earn more money from farming than you said you did.

                  You ssid you'd earn more from your pension than you did from farming, and sporting those credentials, you want to idea-mentor to snappy, and cotton, and eric, and all the young guys.

                  I'll bet they can't wait to promise that lifestyle to their wives.

                  Get back into your Board bunker, and hunker down with that blankey.



                    Where do you go after you access the site map?


                      1. click on site map on the commodity marketing page.

                      2. click on site search

                      3.Type in what you want.



                        parsley: Thanks for the tirade. I will take it under consideration and advisement, although I don't believe that it requires a reply.



                          Thanks parsley.


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