R12 sells on ebay for 30X its original cost its not illegal to own, its not manufactured anymore.
New 1234y refrigerant is 10 times the price than 134a and leaks like a hutterite at an open bar.
Like glyphosate, R12 had decades of real world data of being effective and safe. Patent expires then like magic all the sudden the problems arise. Im sure bigchem would love to see glypho banned, think of all the $20/acre patented chem they would sell. Im old enough to remember roundup was almost $20/l in the 90's
Im also old enough to remember the ozone hole was:
1. My fault for existing
2. Never going to repair itself without our help.
3. Only fixable if we gave the government more power.
Sound familiar?
New 1234y refrigerant is 10 times the price than 134a and leaks like a hutterite at an open bar.
Like glyphosate, R12 had decades of real world data of being effective and safe. Patent expires then like magic all the sudden the problems arise. Im sure bigchem would love to see glypho banned, think of all the $20/acre patented chem they would sell. Im old enough to remember roundup was almost $20/l in the 90's
Im also old enough to remember the ozone hole was:
1. My fault for existing
2. Never going to repair itself without our help.
3. Only fixable if we gave the government more power.
Sound familiar?