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Popularity of Cons

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    Popularity of Cons

    Reuters reporting that Finance Minister now has a body guard . Apparently he has received death threats over his decision to tax trusts. It has been very rare for cabinet ministers to require body guards. While this is sad, it shows the depth of the hostility this government has evoked. They have handled the trust issue very poorly by not giving credible explanation of why it was necessary to change tax treatment for trusts. This might be one of the reasons for their attack style ads on Dion.

    DION?FLAHERTY?What does this have to do with grain marketing comrade?Oh,of course.Our beloved cwb is hopelessly tied up with the future of these fools.They are trying so hard to give away our cherished power.Power that you and I need to continue lording it over our neighbors.How else can we ever hope to be so important since we are such failures eleswhere in life?You have reminded me why politics is so important when it comes to marketing.So those of us who are no good at it can keep others out of it.



      I am actually pleased that you are a single desk supporter and I hope you will remain that way, because they really do need the kind of vision you can offer.

      You might want to work closely with David Orchard and Nettie Weibe.




        LOL... I couldn't have said it much better!

        Sarcasm inc!


          I will always be amazed at how the cwb gets tied into every thread.

          Somebody is getting paid somewhere.

          Unless its one lunatic with 20 different handles.


            Thats right im looking at you tom.


              Agstar did you happen to see what David Dodge had to say about the issue.I think he pretty much put the issue to bed when he said the preferential tax treatment should have been done away with long ago.And the reason the Conservatives made the ads about Dion is because his record speaks pretty loudly.13 years and he did nothing for the environment.Similar to how he responded while all his Liberal friends from Quebec cashed in on adscam.


                Boy, it is too bad that people didn't have a little diversity in their portfolio's.

                "The Toronto Stock Exchange's main index set a record high close on Monday as energy issues climbed amid a cold snap across North America and financial stocks provided buoyancy" - Reuters

                By my calculations, the trust sector is down about 10%, while the TSX is up about 9% since Oct 31.

                If people were bailing out in the first week of November, maybe they should be mad at themselves and their advisors more than the gov't. Anybody who had things spread around is pretty satisified at the moment.

                You wouldn't be one of those people happy about the finance minister needing a body guard would you agstar?

                How's that global warming treating your friends in winnipeg by the way?


                  I now see the "good side" to -40c and -50c windchill.

                  -25c is now considered "mild".....
                  And it actually feels pretty good.....


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