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? for burbert

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    ? for burbert

    Burbert, I've asked you this question on a couple threads with no response from you. Here goes again.

    To the best of my knowledge, no one has stated that they wish to get rid of the cwb. It's about choice. In a free open choice environment, why wouldn't you support the cwb? Because the likes of Flaman & Ritter say it won't work doesn't make it so.

    wedino, I support the CWB, because it is the agency that helps me/us market our products, in a fair, honest orderly responsible manner. They represent me/us and Canada, on the world stage and extol virtues that are Canadian, ie responsibility and integrity, which seem at times to be in short supply in todays corporate greedy world.


      wedino, If you have a few minutes. Go to YouTube on the web and search Farming In Nebraska, the music is great, and the short is about the way it used to be! Make sure you watch it all the way to the end, I think you will enjoy it. There are some other farming vids there to enjoy as well...


        it was a well made video, and I remember those days......my dad remembered the days when they did it all by horse, and the threshing gangs too...
        but the passing of time has changed the way we farm, always have and always will, and the same can be said for the way farmers used to market their crops, basic barter to the many varied forms we have today......

        and time too will change the CWB, hopefully for the better, ......but to lump all corporate interests as greedy and lacking integrity and suggesting that only organizations like the CWB can claim the virtues you profess as so important is where you lose all your credibility for your points....

        corporations are frankly more transparent and predictable than quasigovernmental bodies that are subject to the political whims of their masters, those who seek to control others because only they know what is better for the poor little farmer.....for a corporation to survive it must bring value to their shareholders, abide by the laws of the land they operate in, and deliver products and service to customers that are willing to pay for them....

        that is why our third generation Canadian farm has now become a family owned corporate farm, changing with the times.....but alas, with freedom to chose how you operate you can do it just like in the old days, and if you still like it the old way be my guest....there might even be a business to be had letting farmers relive the old ways, nothing like pail filling the old disk drills, was a lot better exercise than than running the hydraulics on my air tank......or eating chaff on the old open air JD 55 combine


          While your at it do a search for "keyra".I promise you its worth it.


            Glad to hear it, Burbert. Somehow I got the feeling, that when the choice side wins the plebiscite you would no longer support the cwb. Excuse me, I was wrong. There seems to be some dissent among the board of directors, Flaman & Ritter say the cwb won't work in a choice environment. What do you think, Burbert? Flaman & Ritter, if they have any ethics at all, should resign from the board when the choice side wins the plebiscite?


              wedino, Isn't it obvious, that I am pro board and believe in the way they market and are evolving to meet our needs. After all we run the dang thing! However having said that, it is also apparent that the Fed's (Conserv, or Libs) are trying to distance themselves from Ag and are both soon going to dump the CWB. They dislike Ag because each and every year there is a disaster in the industry somewhere. Ralp et al dumped it some time ago, except for his poney racing pals. There are fewer and fewer rural votes. Why spend money on an old tired industry, when there is voter rich sexy stuff to spend money on like R & D, Space Travel, Oil & Gas, Tourism, Democracy, Quebec. If we are ever short of food, or grain we can always buy some from the US, they subsidize and overproduce each and every year. The Costco's and Walmart's of the world can/will take care of us. Even if prices rise, thats what credit cards are for. Isn't it? Let the good times roll, the economy is booming. Yay for us, lets all get some!


                cottenpicken, keyra, interesting butt no ag angle that I could detect, didn't watch the whole klip, sorry


                  Getting to my point, Burbert, Should Flaman & Ritter & other like minded cwb directors resign when the market choice side wins this plebiscite in March?


                    wedino, No.


                      Burp;so you like the cwb ,comrade.Thats fine but does that mean you have a right to force it on everyone?Where is your integrity?Do you also believe "we"should decide everyone's other crop sales?If not,what makes wheat different?We must be true to our ideals and not all over the map;if the revolution is to succeed.If we believe our neighbours are incompetent bumpkins re wheat;why stop there?Should Big Bro on main dictate all or just serve?


                        Are you a fruit?
                        How could you possibly stop watching that?


                          And another thing.If I'm going to be commisar,I'm going to have to point out my so-called cwb supporters' tendencies to applaud every reform they make.1.if the place is perfect,as we have been saying since 1943 any change must be counterrevolutionary and 2.All these changes seem to imitate the market which we have always said is evil.Do you think comrade burp that perhaps you have just come to love the cwb as a church and no longer know what you believe in ?


                            winwin, Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me! Commie, *****, pinko. Gad al mighty you conservatives are all the same, take a page from Ralp's play book, call the guy a name. Very stupid play in the long run.... CWB is for me Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


                              And how do you make in enforcable willowcreek? There has already been one case in Scotland of South American beef labelled "Scottish produce" sitting side by side with the real product in the supermarket cabinet. You'll find the retailers are just as big crooks as the packers.


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