Burp;so you like the cwb ,comrade.Thats fine but does that mean you have a right to force it on everyone?Where is your integrity?Do you also believe "we"should decide everyone's other crop sales?If not,what makes wheat different?We must be true to our ideals and not all over the map;if the revolution is to succeed.If we believe our neighbours are incompetent bumpkins re wheat;why stop there?Should Big Bro on main dictate all or just serve?
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And another thing.If I'm going to be commisar,I'm going to have to point out my so-called cwb supporters' tendencies to applaud every reform they make.1.if the place is perfect,as we have been saying since 1943 any change must be counterrevolutionary and 2.All these changes seem to imitate the market which we have always said is evil.Do you think comrade burp that perhaps you have just come to love the cwb as a church and no longer know what you believe in ?
winwin, Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me! Commie, *****, pinko. Gad al mighty you conservatives are all the same, take a page from Ralp's play book, call the guy a name. Very stupid play in the long run.... CWB is for me Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And how do you make in enforcable willowcreek? There has already been one case in Scotland of South American beef labelled "Scottish produce" sitting side by side with the real product in the supermarket cabinet. You'll find the retailers are just as big crooks as the packers.
I am fine with the CWB being 1. for you and your farm.
Would you honestly sell all your barley... and actually do a production contract on 25% of your grain production capability... to sell every pound of that barley you could grow to the CWB and it alone?
Can you give a straight honest answer that you have actually grown barley and delivered it all to the CWB in the last 12 months... and that the CWB PAID more than what the domestic feed market offered you?
I am fine with the CWB being 1. for you and your farm.
Would you honestly sell all your barley... and actually do a production contract on 25% of your grain production capability... to sell every pound of that barley you could grow to the CWB and it alone?
Can you give a straight honest answer that you have actually grown barley and delivered it all to the CWB in the last 12 months... and that the CWB PAID more than what the domestic feed market offered you?
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