sawfly raised a good question in another thread a little ways back and I will bring forward.
The issue is the one of farmers who carry malt barley to the end of a crop year only to have it rejected/be forced to market as feed. The issue was around right of appeal and ability to find a new market.
Similar comments on the farmer side side for malt contracts - a little time in a microwave to reduce germination and then walk on the contract. Some discussion about the penalties?
What is the CWB's role in selection and contracting today? If one of the parties in the contract waffles/doesn't meet their commitments (could be farmer, grain company or maltster), what is the CWB's role? What will these contracts look like in an open market with a CWB alternative?
The issue is the one of farmers who carry malt barley to the end of a crop year only to have it rejected/be forced to market as feed. The issue was around right of appeal and ability to find a new market.
Similar comments on the farmer side side for malt contracts - a little time in a microwave to reduce germination and then walk on the contract. Some discussion about the penalties?
What is the CWB's role in selection and contracting today? If one of the parties in the contract waffles/doesn't meet their commitments (could be farmer, grain company or maltster), what is the CWB's role? What will these contracts look like in an open market with a CWB alternative?