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CWB Marketing for Special Interest Organic Group

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    CWB Marketing for Special Interest Organic Group

    Last fall the Canadian Wheat Board decided they were going to market organic grain. Specifically selling for a Selected Select sect.

    Even though a U of S survey indicated over 70% of organic farmers did not want the CWB to market organic grain, they began. There was even a DA 300 producer organization formed over 10 years ago who's only mandate was to get/keep the CWB out of organics entirely.

    Because organics was primarliy founded by those wanting to market what they grew, who else would back then?), organic farmers have traditionally viewed the CWB as somebody you don't ever want eying up your grain.

    But some of the entrants in organics, a like-minded group, approached the CWB, whining they could not market their own grain, so would the Government-Board market for the like-minders.

    The Board drooled.

    Even if a trio of organic farmers like Nettie Weibbe, and Stuart Wells of the NFU, and David Orchard, (backroom Agricultural Policy strategist for Stephane Dion), are or are not amongst the like-minders,(who knows?) the Board was appropriately enthusiastic about marketing for the self-confessed defeatists. The lure of the promise of the single-Trio's possible input, cannot be underestimated, either.

    Imagine this ... ... The NettiewellorchardBoard, a quartet left in political tune over summer, and conducted by CWB organic Director Rod Flaman, beg-singing a B of D motion, to develop an organic-single-desk-marketing-strategy, for KANADistan.

    The possibility is as endless as is the pools-funding.

    So the CWB is presently marketing organic grain for, let's say 30 plus growers. 28 was rumored. Maybe it's 70 (there are 1200 organic farmers in Saskatchewan alone) Nobody knows. And it's certainly none of your business.

    Bet the sales are good.

    The CWB organic Marketing Department, in operation for the last 6 or 7 plus years, has been carefully creating a list of organic buyers, which is not difficult, seeingst every organic wheat and barley sale had to go through the buyback, and list the name of the buyer, and the price. And the CWB department bloomed with specialists.

    The CWB knows who buys organic, the last price paid and can now negotiate with hindsight.

    It's a hat-sale trick.

    It won't matter if the sale is a sweet deal for the buyer as well as a sweet deal for the farmers, because all are going to be well paid, no matter what.

    What Government-body in their right mind, will allow this marketing trial to fail?

    The conventional pooling accounts are well-accustomed to subsidizing the organic marketing-department venture, so it stands to reason that conventional farmers will not mind topping up organic pools.

    Now that the CWB finally has actual farmers coming through the back door, the possibilities are endless;lentil pools, and fenugreek pools and apple pools.

    If the CWB is reluctant, maybe David Orchard can exert influence if he is willing to chain himself to the CWB building in Winnipeg, the same as he did near the door of the UGG 's annual meeting in Sakatchewan some years ago.

    That got my attention.

    More single-deskers will shift to organic.They'll be driving six white horses, when they come, if the price is rich enough.

    Don't you just love that special interest organic group hollering," Here-a-Government, there-a-government overthere's a government-government, Single-deskers want the Board, ee-i-ee i-o


    Too bad you're too old for American Idol, L.O.L.


      Too bad you only ever learned one tune



        If the rumors at the meeting I was at yesterday were true, the CWB isn't marketing organic, even though the Western producer thrilled out an article last fall.

        The yarn yesterday, went like this...only a handful of the single-desk organic executive had approached the CWB to market, and didn't consult with the rest of their crew, so the deal died dead, so the story goes. Rumors!

        agstar77, maybe you would know, or Vader, would you know, if the CWB has 'revisited' marketing organic.

        Unsubstantiated claims about whether the CWB is or is not marketing organic grain could cast irreparable harm upon all DA famers, and even cause the single desk to fall, as it will if Tom4CWB bypassed the Board, so I know single-deskers will want to keep Agri-villers informed.




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