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    Jay,tough,chaff,nfu please tell me where and when you have stated anything before the fact.

    You are all just as likly to "guess" 6 dollar canola as 12.


      I can't prove myself, neither can you.

      You want my predictions over the next 2 years. Here they are.

      1)Oil. I believe Crude is on the way up. But not until the fall. Then I think we could see new highs. But until then I'm Bearish on oil. Now that is what I see happening based on what I know today. Now If tomorrow Bush enters Iran, then that's a different story

      2) Wheat. I still project wheat by summer to hit $6.50/bus Kansas, I'm bullish Wheat. Two months ago I would've been predicting 7.50 Wheat, but now I don't feel the numbers are there. Simply because Wheat follows Corn, and I don't think Corn is as strong as I did a month ago.

      3)Corn. I believe Corn to stay strong. When I say strong I don't believe we will see $5.50/bus like I once did. If we see 90 million acres of Corn planted next Spring in the U.S. that is a significant increase. I think in 3-4 years we will overproducing in the ethanol department. And also if Crude corrects like it will, ethanol isn't as attractive. But I do think $400-$4.50 is going to be the norm for the time being. If we have a weather scare this summer, then I'm bullish Corn once again.

      4) Soyabeans. It will be interesting tomorrow what the USDA says, I think Bean stocks will be lower, I'm very bullish long on Beans. I believe July Beans could hit $8.50/bus mid summer. Depending on Brazil, and Argentina. Argentina's crop right now is in crucial stage. They are dry in pockets right now.

      5) Canola. I think Canola come summer has potential to hit $10.00/bus. But this is all going to depend on the Beans in the states. Like I said earlier the U.S. seeding intentions come March 30 is going to be the deciding factor in all of these markets.

      My predictions for the USDA tomorrow is this.

      Bean stocks will be tighter
      Corn stocks to remain the same
      Wheat to stay the same.

      I don't expect any suprises tomorrow.

      Cotton I can't predict the future. I believe unless there are some problems in other countrys this summer I think this is as good as it is going to get.

      I do believe some of your predictions are unrealistic.

      $15 Canola
      $9 Wheat
      $6 Barley
      $4 Oats

      Those were some of your predictions. I believe they're are high.

      Those are your opinions, as these are mine.


        O.k then now we can have an intelligent debate.

        I do not think oil is staying down for long.Its simply to important.I see major moves upward.Iran is looking like a go.The alternative news on the net is far superior than the mainstream stuff.The movements of amerikan air craft carrier strike groups are the thing to watch.lots of movement going on.

        Steel and copper have finally corrected after a beautiful run.The grains and oilseeds still have room to move imo and their(major) correction is some time off.

        The u.s dollar is fubared when it breaks below .80 look out.
        What is about to happen to the cando will probably surprise everybody.
        It and gold are gone.



          This discussion illustrates why it is so much better to have everything centrally controlled.Then some expert,who has nothing invested but is given an important job because she is a loyal party member,can make all the decisions and you can pay for it.This saves you having to inform yourself AND if she has a monopoly she can tell you that she has made all perfect decisions and you will believe.This would be an ideal system and like achild you would not have to think or discuss.Just obey.Sound familiar?


            Should warn you Lee is an old hockey referee. He'll put both of you in the penalty box if you're not careful.

            Charlie P. I can't believe that you called Lee old and have gotten away with it. I would have thought you would have felt the binder whip by now.



              He keeps it in a satin box.


                One thing about Cotten: Often when I read his posts I think "This guy is crazy.... but I sure as hell hope he is right!"
                Never hurts to be optomistic? Like we don't need some good news once in awhile?
                He does have a tendency to be a "little" abrasive, I will admit! Hey, he's young, give him a break.


                  HFL, parsley and cowman, I actually laughed out loud at your posts. Yes, HFL, my 33-year-old son has nearly convinced me that I'm old so Charlie's safe. Parsley, I don't think Dad's buggy whip is in a satin box but I'll check next time I'm at the farm. And, cowman, CP is young? I always thought of him as a "sage" and a very optimistic one. 'Course in my mind, no one qualifies as a sage until at least 65 or 70 years old!


                    He's plucky, I agree, but only on the days his mongrel dog bites him hard. He'll mellow with five or six kids.

                    snappy has learned how to use the tools in his tact pac.

                    But, cowman, isn't agriculture lucky that farming has some young fellows raring to spit and argue and learn?

                    They both deserve a beer.



                      Im 32.My dog is a purebread boxer, my family has been breeding them since the fifties on our 105 year old farm.

                      I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old.Both boys and they only make me want to fight harder.


                        Gee, CP, I'm old enough to be your father!!! Time I retired.

                        BTW, I like your choice in dogs. 'Course they're not really great at moving cattle but I'll they they're sure good with your kids.


                          I often think, after reading CP's posts, the market is going to eat this guy up & spit him out, like if he trades the way he writes, well he must be really long gold, oil, NG, canola to mention a few. Me thinks he doesn't have a trading account.

                          And how about this unsubstantiated statement - "And guess what cargill is buying up land and getting farmers to custom farm"?


                            Wedino reread my jan 14 2005 a few posts up.
                            That really happened.
                            I can prove i said that.
                            How can the market possibly chew me up if those were my thoughts?
                            I wonder what was going threw your mind jan 14 2005.


                              Further more i will gladly mail my stock slips from 2004 to melvill to prove what i know and when i new it.


                                Cotten. This is not a peeing contest. We don't need proof of how amazing you are. If you think you are all that, then great, all the power to you. Keep on trucking.


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