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straight cut canola

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    straight cut canola

    The Western Producer had an article on two guys who say not only can they straight cut their canola but they get better yields.One uses a specialty header and the other a d****r.It sounds like the key is desicating with reglone to harden the pods.I'm in a non traditional growing region and I'm seeding some for the first time ever,and I'm wondering if you guys have any experience with this.Also has anyone used one of those pushers made by agshield to replace swathing.I straight cut every other crop and hate swathing.So that this subject pertains to this web site...I forcast Canola will hit 12.00 a bushel in the near or distant future.


    Canola often has green material in it, if it is straight cut. Bin sides, and wet plant material can easily cause heating unless watched very closely.

    There is a shattering reduction application avaliable in the US, that would be very helpful.

    We have seen a 30% reduction in yeild in one week of wet windy weather. A swath roller to stop windrow blowing is a smart strategy. Straight cut canola can work... but is risky. If it hails... much less damage will occur if it is swathed.

    Will let you know if we can get the crop sealant... which could be mixed with a desicant... would be a nice fit.


      You might feel differently about swathing when you see 50 percent of your canola seed on the ground after a wind or hail.
      I farm in choppy hills with drainage ditches type of land. Many have tried straight cutting here and including myself have failed. I got rid of my straight cut header and flex header.


        Geesshh......an NFU`er asking advice on a non-board crop.........come on T4 you must have been biting your tongue...any blood??



          As long as the NFU doesn't confiscate my Canola... and jail me for selling above the average and at a profit...

          I can only hope the NFU will allow me to sell my barley the same way... Next year! We must have faith... and expect the highest and best from our "brothers" Cropduster!

          There can be no higher calling than to love our neighbours as our selves!


            Cropdustr;of course we on the extreme left want info on PRODUCTION.That is our job.Our only job.That is why the cwb always refers to us as 'producers'.Farmers have always understood that their role includes marketing-untill the cwb revolution that is.And then it changed here in the designated utopia.
            Keep your head down comrade,focus on your proper class.Others will handle all the money and give you some if there is any left.Revolution is expensive.
            We must keep our focus on the use of our hammer and chisel.
            WAIT!Did I say'chisel?I meant to say hammer and sickle.Hammer and chisel you would use for taking DOWN walls.Freudian slip.The central committee will not be amused.


              Dont be afraid to try it works well in our area.Higher yields lower green seed counts.As for bad weather i've been hailed 100%in the swath.Iused to swath until it got to ripe and lost to much to shelling wiht the swather.Then i would straighcut the rest. last year istraightcut it all.JUst traded combines and didnt get pickup headers geuss im commited to the practice.


                I'm really intrigued by the idea of pushing canola and later straight cutting.I can see how a large crop pushed over wouldn't be able to blow in the wind too badly.Just so evryone is clear the NFUer title is in fact a joke I don't belong to this group.


                  That`s what I was looking for NFU`er!!I would like to straight cut canola too but just don`t have the managerial GUTS!!Have to see a pusher work ,that may be the answer>


                    I have straight cut a few fields of canola, after spraying with Reglone. Some varieties and some fields are diffinitely more suited than others.

                    Heard a presentation a week ago from the local canola council agronomist. His rule of thumb for straight cutting was "If you can walk throught the crop at swathing time, the crop is too light for straight cutting" Lighter, thin crops tend to sway in the wind too much (maybe not an issue if you farm where there's not much wind!)


                      Here in UK more and more canola is being straight cut.

                      Better oil and yeild and new design headers with ajustable knife position for improved feeding are the reasons.
                      Some varieties are more suited than others

                      Roundup/glysophate is our prefered dessicant. Spray it week earlier than reglone and it leaves plant less brittle.

                      Best of all is no dessicant but needs a weed free crop which is even. I am spending more on weed control in the hope of acheiveing this goal.

                      Has RR canola made roundup useless as a desicant in Canada?


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