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Arason Says........US Wheat Associate Says

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    1.The important point is:

    How come the US told us, why didn't the CWB tell us?

    You ignored it.

    2.Call up the CWB and tear a strip out of them for translating so poorly.

    Their own translation says, "our country receives preferential prices, which save Algeria tens of dollars per tonne purchased."

    Read it again and weep.

    3. Here's the money pot for the Algerians, right out of DA farmers' pockets:

    (Translation by CWB):
    However, the benefits of doing business with Canada do not end there: according to Kacem, Canada also provides technical assistance in the form of training for executives from the OAIC and the agricultural sector.

    In addition, the Canadian supplier pays the loading costs, and facilitations are offered with regard to the method of payment.
    End of quote.

    4. If you are having problems with time management, either take a management course, or call up the CWB Marketing Department. They aren't doing any marketing these days it seems. Ask for Donna Youndahl. She's headed up an Organic Marketing Department for over 5 years, and they hasn't sold a bushel. She'll have time to do your posting.



      So Parsley what are you telling me ?

      You haven't sold a bushel of grain thru the wheat board in 5 years ?



        =You haven't sold a bushel of grain thru the wheat board in 5 years=

        is your question.

        =thru the wheat Board=


        If any exported wheat/barley is food grade.....it MUST at the very least:


        That's the basic!

        So every bushel must be subject to the CWB's NATIONAL licensing department.

        Some farmers probably don't even have to bother to get an export license at all! Maybe if you live in Lac St Jean, you can slide through without a permit, unless of course, a $500.00 a day CWB Director needs to make a weekend inspection at a Quebec border, and delivers the export licenese personally, just to remind the locals that a national permit MAY be required.

        Two areas you're maybe referring to are:

        1. Farmers selling to the Board:

        a) Take it to the elevator. Sell to the CWB. Wait for the cheque.

        b) Sell it to the Board. Wait until the Board via a phone call, markets that grain to "preferred" customers.

        Ask what price the CWB are asking for that same Board grain. Take a CWB director out to dinner to see if there is a one-day-sale on for that Board grain, and if it's cheap that day, buy that same Board grain. It's never left your bin anyhow. Never hurts to ask.

        2. DA Farmers that don't sell to the Board at all but get the export permit anyhow. Piles of them. For example:

        Every seed grower on the Prairies. They bypass the Board. They bypass marketing. They bypass pooling. Some haven't sold to the Board for 50 years.

        BUT they go through the Board. They are licensed by the Board.

        You'd do well to continue snoozing and relishing your marketing plan, not someone else's, mustardman. You are happy with it. You are more than satisfied with Board cheques. You want more Government workers at the Board. You are nobly training Algerian civil servants. You love paying for organic marketing departments that don't sell a bushel. You and winwin. Enjoy!

        And yes, we market boardgrains and yes they are CWB licensed, as the CWB Act requires.



          parsley,how you know lac st-jean it is ma place i do farm


            oups my area



              I knew because Stephane Dion let the cat out of the bag:

              "the improvement of the information is too low"



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