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Barley Plebicite set up to fail

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    Barley Plebicite set up to fail

    Looks like the voters list for the Plebicite will be a unbeleivable 84000 farmers. I don't think there is even that many farmers in Western Canada. Actual full time farmers, there may be a quarter of that number. Also Alberta gets 32% of the votes and grow well over 50% of the barley. The Saskatchewan numbers are outrageous the amount of votes. Marketing choice will lose this vote based on these crazy numbers

    So, what happened? Thought only barley producers could vote..


      Any sense of where farmers are likely to vote/priority they are placing on this issue?

      If I were at a farmers bonspiel tonight having a beer after a game, what would people be saying about the issue? Would it even come at all or are people so tired of talking about CWB issues that they just leave the topic alone altogether?


        The entire issue is debilitating to Ag in Western Canada , considering all the important issues such as transportation , cgc issues , Gmo, Biofuel Trade etc. etc. We can thank people like Mr. Anderson and some on this forum for pushing their Agenda. Marketing choice may or may not make money for a few farmers, it might make a few feel better but will do nothing to advance the well being of the sector. Maybe those that want out should have been booted with no reentry, I'm pretty much fed up with talking to inanimate objects.



          Before 1993 the CWB didn't control those "designated area" growers who: avoided the railways,
          and grades of Canadian grain from the Canada Grain Act.
          CWB directors ARE RESPONSIBLE.
          CWB DIRECTORS refused to take Alcock and Goodale at their word... and fix the CWB to allow personal freedom. The payment was offered... and was in the Billions.

          Just a little late now... to cry over mismanagement and inflexible Power mongering GREED.


            Just to highlight the thread started with a question about the barley plebiscite voting list and perhaps (my fault) I took it off track with a question about whether people are engaged in the discussion and whether they will make the effort to vote. Lots of frustration on all sides but over the next month, the question is about barley. What is of interest to me is how many are sitting on the fence and which way will they lean/what is needed to influence. Maybe they will fence sit through the whole discussion.


              Apologize for my curling analogies.

              The rock has been released from the house (can't go back on some decisions about questions or voters lists) and you have sweepers who are watching the rocks progress (gauging weight and line). Don't know if it will be a take out or a freeze closer to the button. Maybe there are too many guards out front and it will be wreck. Maybe the CWB rocks are too well hidden. Anything is possible but you need to concentrate on making the shot happen as it was called by the skip and thrown by the guy in the house. The CWB would have their version of this.


                Charlie P. If I was at a curling rink tonight having a beer after the game I would be scared to bring it up. A fist fight might break out. Much like on Agri-ville. I just hope that this vote is fair and the people that have the right to vote get a ballot and only them.
                Agstar77- I would love to be booted with no chance of reentry.


                  All I can say is if Alberta decides to "GO" in a big way Ed Stelmach better get his act together and take us out of this gong show!
                  Let Saskatchewan and Manitoba stay in if they want to.
                  Now maybe I live in a different area or something but the CWB is an utter joke out here! Maybe...why we keep electing Jim Chatenay despite the CWB throwing him in jail!!!!
                  Time for freedom to reign.


                    I'm not afraid to bring it up at the curling rink. Here's some of the usual replies: I won't be getting a vote. Barley has been lost cause for us. (or) Lost 6 cars of malt barley (rejected after shipment) so quit growing barley. (or) Barley yields are too low and with a low price as well so why grow it.

                    But I have had some say, I have always supported the board but enough is enough, I'm voting choice. One young farmer can't stomach the argument that choice can't work. More often though I'm getting the remark, why do we need a wheat board at all.

                    There are a few dingbats that are so scared of losing the CWB that they were willing to threaten physical violence. In both cases these people had already quit farming so there is some other motivation. And no, I didn't have to introduce them to my Muay Thai clinch.


                      It would be good for the choice side to in this vote. But, here are two points about votes like this.

                      First, a vote on these issues are not really relevant as the vote is a snapshot of feeling just at that moment in time. A day, a week, or a month later, changing demograhics and retiring farmers (forced or otherwise) or whatever could mean an entirely different result. Why be governed forever by a snapshot in time. Or what, have an annual vote? What I'm saying is voting on something like a wheat board should never be an option. This has nothing to do with democracy. Grain farming is business. Why should 51% of anybody else be able to dictate how my business is conducted. This leads to my next point.

                      If there are 84,000 ballots, and 83,999 vote for the monopoly, they still have no right to tell me what to do with my property.

                      Let freedom reign indeed!


                        Quick review of the governments policy, provide choice for those who want it.

                        That means you Braveheart and me, so that makes two at least. I am sure we will both vote. With that alone the government has promised to move forward and provide the opportunity.

                        It has nothing to do with percentages of majority, only determination whether or not there are farmers who want to market their own barley. Simple.


                          Oh and the plebiscite can't fail, it is just determining whether or not there is someone out there. If there is, vote.



                            I second that motion... that makes three! LOL!!!


                              Here in South Australia we had a similar discussion and vote for barley marketing choice.
                              Over the last i think 9 years if i recall there were 3 grower ballots for want of a better word 1st ballot 80% support for single desk 2nd about 65% and 3rd a similar 65% but changes on the last one was 85% of respondants wanted an independant single ie not run by the monopoly ABB.

                              It all became to messy and our peak farm body reccomended to govt that our barley market have a slightly regulated liscensing system for 3 years and full deregulation after that and its going through without a ripple from farmers.

                              In the consultation before the decision for change was made a group of farmers formed a committee with farmers,economists govt reps etc etc and farmers were on boths sides of the debate and after 6 months it was found that "NO FARMER WOULD BE DISADVANTAGED BY DEREGULATION" those who choose to sell to ABB and pool grain can other companies can run pools more cash markets 356 days a year,and our peak farm body has 10 farmers on it and 3 are really avid single deskers voted unanimously to support it it got voted in 10 zero so farmers in general accepted it
                              thats the aust take on it basically all aust is deregulated for barley except WA which has liscenses


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