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Barley Plebicite set up to fail

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    this vote no matter how many ballots went out is very signifigant. As it is getting a feel from all over western Canada and not just CWB permit book holders. Yes I too believe that too many went out, reading the ballot is straight forward, and with the declaration should weed out a sizeable amount of the ballots. We all know the facts, 50% bly tonnes grown in AB, 37% Sask and 12% in Manitoba. Voters must take the emotion and politics out of their decision. If your a small producer of barley then the CWB has no revelence to your bottom line. Therefore think before you vote, don't fall for the notion that removing barley is the start of the end. Don't take my right as a barley farmer to seek improved earnings away. Challenge your CWB director as to what they have planned to adapt and grow in a choice environment. They can do it, as we all have taken challenges in our farming careers, the CWB can do the same. And still be there for whom ever may want to use it at the end of the day. The future is bright, biofuels and choice barley marketing will make the sunglass makers very happy!!


      wd9, excellent points. I believe this gov't has the will and the leadership to do exactly what you said. People who want choice are out here.

      One thing though, there are a lot of eligible voters who may feel disenfrancised from prior experiences. You know them as Western Grain Marketing Panel, Estey, and Kroeger, Manitoba shadow CWB vote and taxpayer ripoff. We must encourage these and all voters to vote!


        I think that Canadian farmers are a pretty smart bunch, they'll do the right thing relative to what works for them on the farm. Just like the gun registry, nobody in Alberta, will admit that they registered, but they did, nobody wants to lose their guns, except maybe and old .22 or so or old $14.00 lee enfield. Sitting with farmers at most meetings is like sitting with a herd, whatever is suggested everyone does, nobody says anything they just do what they are told, then get the free lunch/dinner. Amazing but true. Nobody ever seems to want to rock the boat. The CWB will still carry the day after the voting is done!


          Interchange the
          ,market choice/right to vote, issues.

          I think agstar77, you could easily have made your same 2007 persuasive commentary, back in 1929, but on a different issue.

          I'll retro-fit your words:

          "The right to vote may or may not make a difference for a few women, it might make a few feel better but will do nothing to advance the well being of the society...... I'm pretty much fed up with talking those to women, whom I consider inanimate objects."

          Now there's a single-desker in rare form.



            Slavery would work in the same way.

            I wonder why board supporters have such a hard time understanding why it isn't about them supporting the board, but about those who want the freedom to do with property as they wish.

            The board supporters would remain untouched and have the freedom to support the board. I just don't get it I guess, never will.


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