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NFU what a joke!!

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    NFU what a joke!!

    Did anyone else get this ridiculous piece of paper in the mail recently from these losers!!

    I've never heard of so much Bul****t in my life.

    Just throwing figures out there that are totally inexcusible, it's a frickin joke, and then the spineless ba***rds don't even have the balls to have a phone number on the panflet. Just an address to send a $150 cheque in their fight for your freedom. GIVE ME A BREAK!! Are you telling me there are fools who bye in to this crap!!

    I've never heard so much propaganda in my life!!

    I'm furious with this!!

    Now, put your anger to work.

    Phone 4 guys next week that you know,who probably will have to fill out a declaration.

    Remind them to get a stat dec and go and vote for choice.

    4 at a time.



      I know what you mean snappy, who do these guys think they are? Wheat Board directors.


        Speaking of which. What do you think the odds are of the almighty board actually correcting the NFU's numbers?

        Aren't they the ones who keep going on about all the misinformation that's out there and what a shame it is. Why is the NFU less deserving of a reprimand than say the US Wheat Associates.

        Oh yeah that's right, their ideology is correct so it dosen't matter if their facts are wrong.


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