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    The following is a example why in Saskatchewan the NDP government needs to get into the real world and change a few things at Sask Ag and Food.
    One Crop Reporting, Having grey haired old farmers phone in and all summer tell them that the crop is turning out just excellent and we hope to get a good crop.
    Last summer after touring most of Saskatchewan it was obvious that their would be a below normal pea crop and a poor canola crop and barley and oats as well, But all summer the Crop reporters kept telling Sask Ag and food their is potential for a good crop.
    The markets reacted to the news and prices were depressed, Most farmers sold crops off the combine for very low prices then after harvest word gets out that gee their was a below pea crop etc. prices rebound.
    I put the blame squarely on our out dated method of crop scouting by out dated reporters.
    We are in the information age!
    Please Sask AG and Food get it right for once or don't do it at all.

    I agree MB ag and food is no different in the way they do most things. The whole gov't ag scene in manitoba is a joke right from manitoba crop insurance to the dishonorable Mrs. Rosanne Wowchuk who doesn't know SH!T about farming.

    I do like Manitoba agricultural credit corp. but now they are a part of crop insurance.... so who knows.

    The point here isn't that the gov't ag departments do nothing, its that they do so very little with so much!


      I know of one tool that we have in Sask that they don't have in the other two.
      It is the very very useful Crop Protection Guide. This is published every year and gives chemical rates and prices . I keep one in sprayer and one in house, one in shop.


        The guide is available on line.


          Sooo what rate of what do you have to use on socialists?????


            Ha Ha
            The MB gov publishes a crop protection guide as well. But they charge $15 for it so some of our crop input dealers give out the sask ones cause they are free.

            so i have a few sask crop protection guides kicking around!



              The rate is quite a bit lower than for fascists. Fascist need a burnoff in spring, preharvest and possibly a touch up in fall if they raise their ugly heads.


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