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Ethanol and water

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    Ethanol and water

    Some of the ethanol plants in the U.S. are being held up by enviromental concerns for water use. Is'nt it ironic that the push for enviromentally friendly ethanol has caused concern about water . After all you can reduce your energy consumption but water is non negotiable. In my opinion ethanol from grain is a short term gain , but won't save us longer term. It may make us money now but a longer term solution for our lack of grain income is needed.

    Yeah Aggie...more socialism.....just the ticket!!Works for you??


      And you want the Government to spend hundreds of millions on subsidizing ethanol production, but thats not socialism, that's good old free enterprise!!! Don't you think it would be better to spend that money on infrastructure or crop development that would benefit all value added not just ethanol production.


        Well, that 4ft diameter pipeline for Enbridge from Ft. Mac to Illinois is going ahead, maybe we can ship H2o from Lake Athabasca 15 years down the road??


          Agstar is on the right track;we must not add value to any of our grain here on the prairie.Exports of raw grain only and ONLY by state control;exports of young people by the thousands should continue as well by his proven structure;but exports of water?No,never!


            And where did I say I don't support Value added Lose-Lose? You obviously like to distort posts on this board if it suits your agenda. Value added is important but the kind of funds to be expended on ethanol, could do a lot more if used more selectively.


              I'm sure you support value added Agstar;such as the cwb'field to plate' program which is nothing more than an admission that:
              1.the cwb must be a huge deterrent to value added if the best thing it can do is get the heck out of the way and let farmers and investors deal directly and
              2.an admission that all that has to happen to liberalise our grain industry is for the cwb to change its policies-no new legislation,no votes.

              Either way,comrade I'm afraid that if what you really want is value added at no cost whatsoever to the taxpayer,our beloved cwb has really shown the way here.Not my words just the actions of the Central Committee at the cwb.They are weak.Appeaseing.There'll be no satisfying the capitalist pigs of the prairie.500 tons today,next thing you know they're creating 500 jobs.


                Interesting how you can get off the topic and launch your hissy fit about the CWB.


                  You have a true CWB supporter agstar77, and he's all yours.

                  You've taught your lessons ulta-well!




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