Originally posted by seldomseen
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Climate Change cover up…
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Drew was explaining 1987-88 similar jet stream patterns… how soon ElNino breaks down… and La Niña takes over in atmospheric patterns… plus the upper atmospheric volcanic impact of Volcano Tonga… leaving real uncertainty in long term forecasts for this summer/fall 2024. No precedent examples in our modern era of weather records to model forecasts for 2024… uncertainty is the main constant!!!
Many Blessings!Last edited by TOM4CWB; Feb 1, 2024, 18:55.
Originally posted by flea beetle View Post
Hopefully the dry part breaks soon. Usually 2-3 feet of snow at this time of year, and you can cross any field in a car this year.
If that happens it is double what they expect for the year in some areas.
They had much above normal last yr.
2 yrs ago all the chatter was worst drought in 1200 yrs.
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Originally posted by biglentil
Have you ever thought maybe it is you that has been deceived?
"The heavens declare the glory of god; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalms 19:1
"Fear before him; all the earth: shall be stable that it not be moved." 1 Chronicles 16:30
There are 67 verses referencing a moving sun and many references of a firmament above.
Please show me where the bible mentions that we are on a globe orbitting the sun.
The globe earth according to Nasa is set on a 23.4 degree axis (90-23.4=66.6) with a curvature of 0.666ft per mile squared, with a circumference of 21600nm (600×6×6), rotates at faster than the speed of sound and revolves around the sun at 66600mph while the sun hurdles through space at 555000mph. Yet none of these motions have ever been felt, measured or observed. No engineer or pilot ever takes curvature or coriolis into consideration even though there is supposed to be a massive 6660ft of curvature in just 100 miles.
Please check all my numbers for youself. Nasa in hebrew means to deceive.
This… does Not change my faith in the intelligent designer King Jesus… or that he holds all atoms and matter together: Time and energy are his servants… and ; Good , Love , and Light …are his dwelling places.
Respect for the Great Creator, the Creation… and Loving our neighbours… as ourselves … not being seduced by material possessions… are the foundations of : honour, justice, Truth… forgiveness… and Humble wisdom that brings : Peace , Mercy , and Gods Spiritual Kingdom.
Gods plans for tomorrow are his to reveal… His words are eternal… and will Not be changed.. by : AI, Evil intentions or whatever other Woke Evil deception …humanity does…
Many Blessings!!!
God Truly Loves You!!!
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Yes Tom my wife and I quite enjoyed Drew Lerner’s presentation. Certainly interesting that the media coverage of the Hunga Tunga eruption was so limited, certainly exposes an obvious bias. I thought about asking if anyone on Agriville was attending the Crossroads Crop Conference.
Tom what did you think of Dr. Lenore Newman’s presentation? I thought her assertion that western Canadian farmers sequester far more C02 than we emit very interesting. In fact she said we sequester enough C02 in the soil to make the oil sands carbon neutral. I intend to email her for more details.
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