Originally posted by Hamloc
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I believe Drew was trying to reveal that… because of Volcano Tonga… watching and using the normal weather cycles…as models for 2024.. are much less reliable than past forecast models revealed…
Drew has being weather forecasting for 40 years… l have not heard him say how many times last year… his long term forecast was wrong…
injection of 10% more water vapour into the upper atmosphere… the largest injection in hundreds if not thousands of years… radically altered long term weather patterns… and the ability to rely on past records to predict future long term weather.
The carbon sequestration net zero argument is not helpful. PM Trudeau and his gang of environmental terrorists… have no concept of: Justice, Truth, humble leadership… or compassion : for the average Canadian Citizens… the WEF Davos performance… indicates further a lack of comprehension….. beyond “the Budget will Balance itself “ if that was possible. Logic and Common Sense… do not determine what environmental terrorists do.
Conventional Canadian Media… is being paid to back PM Trudeau .
Playing the C02 game… with deceptive terrorist Politicians… would be pointless in my opinion.
Many Blessings! It will be an interesting volatile summer for our weather… forecasts one month in advance… May be pushing forecasts… is my read on our new weather era!