Chas, Why are you so hung up on needing to CONTROL the price of wheat or anything else for that matter? You seem to beleive others are deliberatly controling the low prices of today, and that's bad. Why is it your control or "farmer" control is good?
Should the price of wheat be controled one day, what would that price be? $4/bu., $8/bu., why not $35/bu. Since this new structure would be able to control that price why not aim high. How will you know what the proper price is? I know! Cost of production plus a profit, but who's cost of production? Yours? Mine?
A beginning farmers?, An established farmer?, A farmer with Three 400hp tractors or one with one 70hp tractor? All these things have to be considered in order to make this thing work.
Who sets the price? You can't have supply and demand setting the price because those things fluctuate and if supply and demand fluctuate, price will have to fluctuate to either encourage production or discourage production and it seems to me that a whole bunch of people including yourself are trying to eliminate that. You can't control production. Sometimes it rains, Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it freezes, Sometimes it doesn't.Sometimes disease hits, Sometimes it doesn't. Alot of things can happen to effect the world production of grain.
What do you propose should happen if some bad seeds out there figure out how to grow wheat or a wheat substitute for much less than all other farmers and they find a demand for their grain and sell that grain for less than the controled price? Jail?, Fines?, something else?
Now that you have figured out who sets that new higher price and how to make sure no one sells for anything other than that price (higher or lower). What happens when every farmer grows all wheat because the price is $8 or $10 bu. but demand falls in half because the consumer can access something as equally nutricious for half the money?
Aren't you right back where you stated from? And you've capitialized all your gains back into your land, machinery etc.
So my Advice to you would be, answer those questions and if you still think there is the slightest chance that the price of wheat can be magicly controlled to suit only the farmer, Go and spend your $100. It's alot cheaper fantasy ride than Disneyland!
Should the price of wheat be controled one day, what would that price be? $4/bu., $8/bu., why not $35/bu. Since this new structure would be able to control that price why not aim high. How will you know what the proper price is? I know! Cost of production plus a profit, but who's cost of production? Yours? Mine?
A beginning farmers?, An established farmer?, A farmer with Three 400hp tractors or one with one 70hp tractor? All these things have to be considered in order to make this thing work.
Who sets the price? You can't have supply and demand setting the price because those things fluctuate and if supply and demand fluctuate, price will have to fluctuate to either encourage production or discourage production and it seems to me that a whole bunch of people including yourself are trying to eliminate that. You can't control production. Sometimes it rains, Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it freezes, Sometimes it doesn't.Sometimes disease hits, Sometimes it doesn't. Alot of things can happen to effect the world production of grain.
What do you propose should happen if some bad seeds out there figure out how to grow wheat or a wheat substitute for much less than all other farmers and they find a demand for their grain and sell that grain for less than the controled price? Jail?, Fines?, something else?
Now that you have figured out who sets that new higher price and how to make sure no one sells for anything other than that price (higher or lower). What happens when every farmer grows all wheat because the price is $8 or $10 bu. but demand falls in half because the consumer can access something as equally nutricious for half the money?
Aren't you right back where you stated from? And you've capitialized all your gains back into your land, machinery etc.
So my Advice to you would be, answer those questions and if you still think there is the slightest chance that the price of wheat can be magicly controlled to suit only the farmer, Go and spend your $100. It's alot cheaper fantasy ride than Disneyland!