Hi Adam
Thanks for the reply
I agree with your definition of happiness and the fact that farmers love to moan.
I too love to farm, and agree your last paragragh is the only way to survive at present.
It is the millions of independant decsions that is part of the problem
I know the market is over supplied in all comodities but do I reduce production.
No! As an individual in order to survive
I have to produce more.
Modern 21st century marketing always means I can see a profit in using fert. chem. or buying some new machine.
So we all go for all out production and rely on Mother Nature or government to regulate us.
I do not agree we are unique.
Other businesses have problems with the
weather. I have given examples before and they manage them.
You say we cannot guarantee anything, from one year to the next, and I must agree with that. I know we will never control nature and should not even try.
But if FARMERS stored grain in times of plenty, it is just like oil it does not deteriorate some good seeds where found in the pyramids.
Until they had say one whole years production in the bin.
Then we could guarantee supply.Also we would have an insurance for those nasty freeks of nature.
We would be able to turn the taps on or off by aiming to REPLACE what we had sold.
I think if you look at the way modern businesses work you will see this is how they operate.
Look at our suppliers.
They hardly ever run short a chemical even if we only use a lot once every 5yrs.
I dont believe it should cost us. We just need to trust one another and realise we can all benifit from modern 21st century marketing.
Regards Ian
Thanks for the reply
I agree with your definition of happiness and the fact that farmers love to moan.
I too love to farm, and agree your last paragragh is the only way to survive at present.
It is the millions of independant decsions that is part of the problem
I know the market is over supplied in all comodities but do I reduce production.
No! As an individual in order to survive
I have to produce more.
Modern 21st century marketing always means I can see a profit in using fert. chem. or buying some new machine.
So we all go for all out production and rely on Mother Nature or government to regulate us.
I do not agree we are unique.
Other businesses have problems with the
weather. I have given examples before and they manage them.
You say we cannot guarantee anything, from one year to the next, and I must agree with that. I know we will never control nature and should not even try.
But if FARMERS stored grain in times of plenty, it is just like oil it does not deteriorate some good seeds where found in the pyramids.
Until they had say one whole years production in the bin.
Then we could guarantee supply.Also we would have an insurance for those nasty freeks of nature.
We would be able to turn the taps on or off by aiming to REPLACE what we had sold.
I think if you look at the way modern businesses work you will see this is how they operate.
Look at our suppliers.
They hardly ever run short a chemical even if we only use a lot once every 5yrs.
I dont believe it should cost us. We just need to trust one another and realise we can all benifit from modern 21st century marketing.
Regards Ian