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Rayglen Malt Wanted

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    Rayglen Malt Wanted

    Rayglen phoned me up this morning. They are looking to source 2 row malt. Seems the Canadian malters are being shorted by the CWB again this year. They threw a price at me of 3.10 per bushel picked up in Humboldt Sask. area with possibly a chance to get more through extra trucking insentives negotiable. I don't have malt barley. Different locations would have different prices I guess. Just thought I would put this out to those who are holding malt quality barley.

    kamichel, Wow, what a price, and all in cash, must be a huge temptation to those who need it. No I'll ship mine through the board guess what free trucking, the sky is falling, the sky is falling... I had a better deal than Rayglen is quoting about 1 month ago! Really you open market guys mostly don't know what is going on at the best of times. Guess I got a SPECIAL deal for our malt, and all through the old system, go figure eh! @#@$#@%$#@$#$$#@@


      Kamichel Didn't say that this was a good price but instead what a company was offering. If I have no production to sell or don't grow the crop, I usually don't waste my time analyzing the markets. I have been quoted higher prices from malt companies for non malt varieties this year. That tells us that malt companies are having trouble sourcing supplies they need. Glad your happy with your malt returns through the board this year. Shows you have little concept of the actual realities of the market place.


        The CWB has a monopoly on malt. This is not open market, Rayglen is just helping the board source the malt and I do not work for Rayglen. This is a garanteed base price although and if the pro goes higher then one would get the pro final in a final payment. This would be a better price in my location than what the pro is currently and the base price if I heard correclty was paid upon delivery.


          If the malt companies are having trouble sourcing barley. Why don't they offer a trucking incentive, paid directly to farmers, of say $3.00 per bushel. They could pass this cost on to the brewers and the brewers on to the customers. That would be about 1 cent per beer at the sports pub in Calgary or the old farts club in Ottawa.

          The CWB pool account wouldn't be affected, producers would be happy, the comsumers would be happy and not give a darn.

          No one stops consuming when the taxes go up 10 cents on a bottle, heck they might even drink more knowing they are directly helping out the farmers. Sounds like a good excuse to me.Tell the wife I was just out helping out the poor farmers.


            Burbert, free trucking with the Board?? Are you for real??


              The CWB securing grain through a broker yet the CWB has no facilities...?

              I thought this was not possible?


                hey I did not get into the trucking incentive but if I were me I would ask for at least 50 cents per bushel.


                  cwb uses brokers and big grain companies to do the dirty work on the selling side so what is wrong with hiring someone to doe the dirty work on the grain buying side. The CWB is obviously not securing the malt for the domestic maltsters.


                    There goes our malt industry thanks to the CWB


                      You said:
                      Rayglen is just helping the board source the malt.


                      Who is the board?


                        CWB Canadian wheat board.


                          SO the CWB is sourcing the barley - not the malt company?


                            Since when does a malt company sourse barley? Monopoly = only CWB is responsible for soursing barley.
                            Reality check for Incognito domestic maltsters getting shorted. CWB responsible to ensure supply.


                              No reality check for you young man.

                              The CWB have said in press release after press release that they could not compete with the big bad multinationals with no facilities.

                              They are doing it today.


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