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Where is Vader?

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    Where is Vader?

    It was interesting reading Rod Flaman's posts on this site. I wonder where he has gone? Or does he post using a new username?

    He's busy calling editors across Canada tring to get back Heather Frayne's e-mail's.


      Maybe he's gone to Winnipeg! Measner's already made a round with the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce arguing for the single-desk:

      "He also warned that Manitoba could lose not only 450 jobs at the board's Winnipeg headquarters, but the cluster of grain industry companies that are located in the province."


      "There is the Canadian grain commission and the Canadian International Grains Institute and many head offices of companies that have located here in Winnipeg"


      "Measner added that having the wheat board's head office in Winnipeg pumps $210 million a year into Manitoba's economy alone."


      Maybe without the single desk, farm families can take at least one holiday in their lifetime, especially if we don't have to pay for every Tom and Dick and old Harry.



        So then the money would go to U.S. Europe, give us a break Parsnip!! Ypu know marketing funds would be sucked up by whatever succeeds the CWB , but of course you really don't care do you ? There is no free lunch, market development and marketing costs would still be there and probably a little extra for the Million dollar CEO's . Keeping the jobs and the tech here sure beats shipping out to ADM or Cargill's headquarters. Those would be big hands in our pockets with no spinoff benefits. Suck it up parsley/


          In case you hadn't noticed, agstar77 Western farmers have been sucking it up for years. Like vacums.

          Alberta farmers have sucked it up.
          Sucked it up, Sucked it up,
          Alberta farmers have sucked it up,
          Just send the bill to us!

          From the CWB's own blowing about their hirings on their website:

          "From a staff of 35 at the outbreak of the war, the CWB personnel grew to over 700 in 1946"

          Yes! 700 jobs shipping pre-contracted wheat for less than market price. Yes!

          Manitoba farmers have sucked it up.
          Sucked it up, Sucked it up,
          Manitoba farmers have sucked it up,
          Just send the bill to us!

          "Today there are about 500 staff in Winnipeg, Vancouver, Tokyo and Beijing offices" Yes!

          Saskatchewan farmers have sucked it up.
          Sucked it up, Sucked it up,
          Saskatchewan farmers have sucked it up,
          Just send the bill to us!

          You are accurate about the lunch not being free...Western farmers are paying for every four-star lunch the CWB's luxury-driving Beijingerfrayner can pork in.

          Western farmers have sucked it up.
          Sucked it up, Sucked it up,
          Western farmers have sucked it up,
          The Board is fat again.

          ".....including 18 Farm Business Representatives across the prairies."

          If every rep had changed jobs six months ago and simply walked out of their offices, how many farmers on Agri-ville would even know they'd left?

          Sucked it up
          Sucked it up


          have paid so much


          left to spend.


          I know. I know. The money from the organic pooling acounts will help to defray costs, agstar, 77. How much is in them, if I may be sooooo bold to ask?


            So I guess you agree that we should pay ADM and Cargill for marketing and send the jobs and money out of the country but you want to keep more value added money in the country.


              Too bad you have been brainwashed for so long that you didn't know Cargill and ADM already HAVE marketing departments. At least farmers could sit down and negotiate with reasonable partners. At least farmrs could HALVE their marketing costs, at the very least.

              At present, farmers pays for CWB marketing plus the costs of AE's marketing. Double WHAMMO. The farmer pays Rayglen (who is sourcing for the CWB on the other thread) and pays the CWB as well, for the same bushels.

              Cargill's IP Marketing Manager would'nt be banking on a fat pension if he hadn't sold a bushel for 5 years, rest assured!

              Those farmers in Southeast Saskatchewan are licking their lips over their retained dividends from their Pasta Plant that the CWB led them on "could be built". After sinking farmers' money into value-added development, the CWB yanked the VALUE-ADDED project from under them by not giving them licenses.

              With a CWB on a spending spree like the SWP went on, you'll soon be applying for a chjob, agstar77.



                The pasta plant didn't go because the financial plan didn't work.


                  The financial plan didn't work because the farmerswere being forced to sell to the Board.

                  If you cannot differentiate between the farmers retaining ownership of their grain at the point of manufacturing, and farmers having to buy and source grain at the point of manufacturing, it explains why pasta value adding is conspicuoulsy absent from the Prairies.



                    You just won't concede that the plant was not feasible on economic grounds and not because of some made up excuse about the CWB. Ever thought you could be wrong? I concede I don't get it right all the time.


                      agstar, your logic is flawed.....margins on the grain trade and logistics related to the movement of our grain to end users around the world, and domestically, will inevitably results in revenue flowing to the grain merchants, shippers and people who physically purchase and move the commodities....the CWB constitutes a large beuracracy, enabled and empowerd by federal legislation and government guarantees, to act as merely another intermediary in all this activity and at the same time add even further cost to the primary producer which grows the product and eventually bears this cost....

                      it is common knowledge that that highest margin handle at most primary collection facilties is board grain, what gives? they consistently make more money per tonne when moving CWB grain than say Canola, a lot by their own admission....and it is crop that rivals wheat in terms of gross receipts for western farmers.....so tell me where are the 450 beuaracrats and related agencies and representatives that we need to market our canola....alas...no need for that, redundant, is what that would be....

                      so It might be hard on good old wpg if the CWB has to lay off some redundant folks, but it will be a lot easier on my pocket


                        Value-added momma-poppa farm operations throughout France/Italy are embraced and valued. Are they effective? Yes

                        It is you agstar77, who cannot concede that one big monstrous government conglomerata spendicata is not the only viable way to do business.

                        You want a government run plant. I want a farmer run plant.

                        You want government. I want farmers.



                          northfarmer, the 2003 ANNUAL REPORT • WEYBURN INLAND TERMINAL LTD., backs up exactly as you say:

                          WIT COURTS BOARD GRAIN:

                          "In 2003, 84% of the grain shipped by WIT was CWB grains,wheat, durum and barley, sold by or on behalf of the CWB into the export and domestic markets."

                          SWEET DEAL:

                          "the Company’s risks are reduced through the terms of formal legal arrangements between WIT and
                          the CWB."

                          CERTAIN COSTS?

                          "These arrangements provide for full reimbursement of the price paid to producers of grain as well as certain costs incurred by WIT."

                          VOLUME IS CASH COW :

                          "The Company’s profitability is
                          generated by maximizing value extracted from processing each tonne, rather than as a percentage of the value of each tonne."

                          SUCCINCTLY SAID!

                          OH OH:

                          "As a result of a change in accounting presentation .... WIT no longer records the value of grain billed to the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) as sales, now showing only the tariff rates charged for handling grain
                          purchased on the CWB’s behalf."

                          HA HA HA HA HA HA!

                          WIT revenue in 2003 was $53,588,985."

                          "The Company’s revenues are volume dependent, and economies of scale are an important factor in profitability."

                          Doncha just love those gold bushels flowing through?



                            Remember the biggest grainhandler in the world a few threads ago, northfarmer?

                            Agricore United is western Canada’s largest grain handling and merchandising company by volume.

                            Wonder if the grainguy posted this:

                            The volume of grains handled impacts the Agricore United's profitability directly. About 50% (2006) of the grains handled are Board Grains on which set tariffs are earned.

                            AE is an accredited agent and an accreditied exporter of the CWB.



                              I guess parsley and North farmer are right . Lift that yoke of socialist oppression so you can build your own mills just like all the farmer owned oat , canola and flax processing plants in western canada. Did I forget lentils ,peas and beans?


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