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Where is Vader?

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    Agstar I just realized that all my diffent types of no name pasta that I always buy is made in the USA. How can that not work here to have some pasta plants. The CWB would rather ship all grain out of the country. Making pasta is easy, Mix bread flower , few eggs and enough water then run through rollers add water as needed run through different rollers to make the type of noodles desired and then hang to dry. yummy.


      agstar77......and your reving jewels of ..wisdom, challenges farmers threefold: to change the heading on the stationery, carryon as is, and more of the same.

      You are having another one of your inspirational moments.

      oops...Visions...isn't that what we established on-thread?




        Having faith in your fellow farmers yield rewards:




          Agstar do you really think that companies like Cargill and ADM don't make money on CWB grain.They pocket just as much or more handling CWB grain as they do on non board grain.So why are we paying 450 employees to do the same thing as what the grain companies already do(and own the infrastructure to do).


            I am not sure if Cargill and ADM are making more than they should on board grains. I thought Cargill and ADM were competitors. I thought that the battle cry of the anti-CWB establishment was that competition would cure all evil.

            The reason that companies like Cargill and ADM make multi-millions of dollars in profit from the business they do with farmers while farmers struggle to cover the cost of production is because "THEY CAN" and they will continue to do so as long as the sun continues to rise and the waters continue to flow.

            Am I fearmongering? I don't think so. These guys are wolves in sheeps clothing. If they were our friends they wouldn't be profitting at our expense. Just remember Allan Adreas press release a year or so ago. The reason for the companies bottom line strength was low commodity prices!!!!

            Their corporate agenda must be to divide and conquer. That is a strategy as old as dirt. Now they have their board member Brian Mulroney as personal confidante to the Harper government.

            This is a game of musical chairs. As long as we fight with one another atrition will continue to take its toll. The CWB is our best and most powerful tool to fight back against corporations and governments whose vision does not include a strong and viable family farm. It may not be perfect but it is ours to do with as we want. We just have to stand by it and make it powerful and effective. It is not the status quo as so many detrators would have you believe. The CWB is becoming a meaningful and responsive farmer controlled organization. Its shortfalls can only be a result of our own disagreements and lack of constructive input.


              Vader, you are an old socialist fool.....

              you are so blinded by your ideoligical thoughts you cannot understand the economic pragmatism we propose

              Why cannot you, or anyone of your brotherhood ever give an adequate response to why we have all this redundancy in the marketing our our DA grains, when crops like Canola can operate and expand effeiecntly without market structures like the CWB?

              Canola gives farmers all kinds of delivery and pricing flexibility, has producers controlled commissions that fund research and market development, and serves as the crop and commodity that has kept maney cash crop farms like mine in business for the past 20 years.

              Yes, lift the socialist yoke off my neck and the necks of others. We will not stop you and your brethren from getting together to pool all your assets, grain, land whatever together so you can figure it out for yourselves.

              Then I can get together with other like minded farmers and we can go our merry way and forge whatever strategic partnerships and alliances we see fit to market and add value to farming business.


                The flaw with the pasta plant was that the farmers couldn't take their own wheat and profit on the value added of the flower. Ethanol plants in the US either make money off the corn or the ethanol, but generally not both. the loose on the corn and make money on the ethanol, however in the end they always see a profit. Buyback from the board does not allow real world pricing within the system, thereby crushing any hopes of a good financial model for farmers.

                The only thing it helps is those not investing in the plant (all the rest of us in the pool account) by stealing money away from those who invested or risk in the pasta plant.

                It 'taint rocket science, simple socialism, plant investers take the rest and then give me (non-invester) some money from your risk. Of course it won't work or be a viable business model. All because the CWB is involved as a social program.


                  Vader, I 'd stick to the arguments you made BEFORE winwin started composing your posts for you.

                  I'm starting to laugh at you, and that is not what you want.




                    When you start incorpoating the word:
                    "proletariat", (jeez), I'll be too embarassed to respond to you.




                      Time for an old soviet Joke... from the Hammer and Tickle file!

                      Stalin died... visited Saint Peter... and was sent down to Hell.

                      The next morning, Satin appears... Spoing... and then demon after demon... all following Satin...Spoing;
                      Spoing,...Spoing,... SpoingSpoingSpoing: all lining up at the Pearly Gates wanting to talk with Saint Peter.

                      Saint Peter says: What for Heavenes Sakes are you guys doing up Here?

                      Satin says: "We are the first of the Refugees!"


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