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barley food uses

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    barley food uses

    I find it ironic that the CWB has all of a sudden decided that it needs to spend a lot of money to promote new food uses for barley. This from an organization that has little interest in small niche market sales. It's also ironic that it comes in the middle of plebisicite on barley marketing. If this is such a good potential market for producers grain, where were you 5 years ago.This also from an organization whose export barley sales are a fraction of last years sales. This at a time when there are huge returns to be had by producers in the export market.If the CWB ran their marketing program with the same conviction of their propaganda program, we all be rich.

    That's not fair.

    Eat is not easy setting priorities.



      The CWB has funded the majority of the Canadian Grains Institute (CIGI) for decades. They bring in buyers (and potential new buyers) to demonstrate the quality and milling, baking, brewing qualities of W. Can grains.


      The CWB releases these kind of press releases every year. If they released this last year, we wouldnt have heard a peep from you, but this year, it is conspiracy.

      However, my guess is that there are many of you who believe C.I.G.I. is a big waste of your pool returns. So they (CWB) send out these press releases on a regular basis to try re-assure everyone of the benefits of their research.

      As a side-bar, did you know that Manitoba's richest family, The Richardson's (i.e. JRI, Pioneer Grain) provided majority funding towards a "Functioning Foods" research centre at the University of Manitoba, that provides similar research as C.I.G.I.?

      The Richardson's are a well respected family, they are very generous with their wealth, support many charitable organizations, and are always near top philanthropists in Manitoba. They have done well in the Ag industry over the decades. They too, like the CWB, recognized the benefit of this type of research with respect to market development.

      Craig: Do you also think there is political motive on part of the Richardson's as well? They are well known Liberal supporters.

      I wonder if Parsley deals with Pioneer... oops Parsley is organic. That means Parsley has no need for grain companies? parsley sells FOB farm to Taiwanese buyers, and has no freight costs.

      I'll start another thread about the C.I.G.I., it's future, and value, after the board is gone.


        "They are well known Liberal supporters." - says who?

        Why - because James ran in federal politics under a Liberal banner?

        Do you think they have survived nearly 150 years supporting - one party?

        And whom do you think is the major funds behind the Frontier Center of Public Policy in Winnipeg?


          Your in the Industry, do a little research. I smell hog barns again R.P.



            Parsley has dealt with and will continue to deal with various grain companies with regards to a whole range of services.

            They are professional and competent to deal with, and have liked all of them.



              Everyone seems to be missing the point of my commments. I do not believe that the CWB is in a position to really go after small niche market barley markets. I have been involved in the winter wheat industry and the board has done everything in it's power to keep producers growing only one type of winter wheat( hard Red Winter). Simply because they do not want to dedicate staff to market small low volume crops. So I feel I have ever right to question the motives of where the board is headed with this program. Like many other things at the board, to imply serves the purpose. The message is more important than the end result.


                The CWB's marketing history in the organic niche market parallels what you are saying about barley varieties, craig.

                Niche markets are small, must be courted, and serviced by partners who want to deal with each other.

                For the CWB to pretend that they can sevice a niche barley market is absurd, to say the least.

                Irresponsible is more like it.


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