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The CWB Money-Tree

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    If the money belongs to producers then which producers? I would classify this money as "unallocated earnings". This is not money which was "earned" by producers. The money will have been held on deposit for a number of years before there can be any consideration of removing it. The producers who were entitled to this money may no longer be involved in farming and if they are they may not be growing the same grains from which the revenue originated.

    What makes you think that you are entitled to someone else's money?

    At least by spending it on Universitie, research etc. everybody benefits


      There is a term I heard the other day that describes this perfectly. It's called the 'flypaper effect' the money never gets to where its supposed to(farmers in this case) because it stick's to something else along the way.


        Northfarmer distribute all grain revenue back to farmers like they claim. That would be honest.


          Vader-"What makes you think that you are entitled to someone else's money?"

          Talk about a you've got to be kidding moment. Pot meet kettle, topic of discussion the colour black.


            Obviously people, redistribution of farmers money, is for the gooooooooooooooooood of the industry, so why should farmers get their money back. How can the CWB peddle influence and affluence if it gives the farmers all the money back.

            Hence the reality, the CWB serves the industry better than the farmers. Gotta love the CWB!


              Francisco, I was wondering if anyone else would pick up on that.

              "What makes you think that you are entitled to someone else's money? "

              Is that not the most ironic thing you've ever heard??

              Thank you ladies and gents, this is your CWB board of directors.


                So interest earnings should and do accrue to the pooling accounts.


                Uncashed cheques should not accrue to the pooling accounts,



                  Dear Fellow Benefactors,

                  The CWB elected farmer Directors, takes money out of your pooling accounts, and then proceeds to pass motions to approve expenditures

                  "from the funds kept in the separate account for the benefit of producers"

                  Not for the University of Alberta's benefit,or a dual benefit, but described as for

                  THE BENEFIT OF PRODUCERS

                  The quote is from the Privy Council's Office.

                  Belated Congratulations! Bet you didn't know you are the Benefactor of a $500,000 dunner through Order in Council, to construct the University of Alberta’s Agri‑Food Discovery Place.


                  Keep working.


                    Must get kind hard just trying to breath when you're always trying to suck and blow at the same time.



                      Your point is:

                      "What makes you think that you are entitled to someone else's money?"

                      If the CWB does what you say, then the CWB would not have put any interest earnings into the pooling accounts.

                      So. I have to ask, what does the CWB actually DO with the interest earnings, then?

                      Buy gold mines in Indonesia?



                        My take on this is. If this grain was never in the pool account the money would not be in the pool account. The grain being in the pool has an affect on my grain through the amount and quality for sale. It does therefore have an effect on my price and because it was pooled it is the pools money.

                        There should be no extra CWB account to fund CIGI or built weather stations in Frontier Sk.. This should be funded by AG Canada out of general funds as it is for the benift of all Canadians not just farmers.

                        I am still a CWB supporter but that doesn't mean I don't think there needs to be changes.


                          when you can get Ag-Canada to do all the things that it should be doing for the benefit of all Canadians and when there are not further beneficial uses for the money in the special accounts then I might accept an argument that the money should go back into the pool accounts to be dispersed to farmers to whom the money did NOT belong.


                            Professional Fees in the CWB Annual Report were 12 million dollars.

                            Farmers flipped out over a 500K payment to staff.

                            Who decides where this is spent?

                            Does anyone look at this line by line to see where the 12M went? Or is this another one of those 55,000 farmers - $12 M - its only $218.00 per farmer - what the hell...

                            Trade challenges?
                            University professors on retainer?
                            Liberal Law firms on retainer?

                            The beauty of freedom of information.
                            Soon farmers will know.


                              Vader: To argue with this "pack of wild dogs", is pointless. THEY don't CARE. Their logic is not to be challenged.

                              Over the years the rantings and accusations of 'parsley' regarding the operations of the CWB especially, would fill a small book.

                              If he/she is so bloody smart, why not prove it by running for and achieving election to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Then we could all benefit from the obvious "expertise" as expressed repeatedly on this forum.


                                Vader, I do see your point.

                                It must be very easy to decide what to with the money, when it's not yours in the first place.


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