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The CWB Money-Tree

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    Wilagro, don't worry you will only have to put up with it for 1 more month.


      Wilagro if you're so bloody smart why not prove it by taking your boot off Parsley's neck so she can show us what failure really looks like.


        What makes some farmers who did not use the PPO's eligible to the money earned by those who did??

        Whose money is it then?

        Whose grain is it?

        My dad and both grandfathers worked themselves hard until the day they died trying to keep the farm going. How much of the value of the grain they produced went to support the socialist ideology of the cwb? Just keep throwing money all over the place so people will think we are doing something good.

        Real nice.


          so, from the "wild pack of dogs" that do not care.......if I did not care I would not take my time to enter into these online debates.....see Wilagro, i will accept the statements of you and your closet socilaist/communist friends and try to challange them with logic and reality from my perspective, I will not wait quietly by to have the rest of my farming career ruled by those with such a divergent political ideology than I have...and that is my right....so if you do not like the debate keep out of it...

          Vader, I get your point on that money never belonging to the pool accts, and if it is so, and all possible avenues to get that money to it's rightful owners/estates, trustees, etc, has been exhausted then there may be some justification in spending it the way it has been, but only then and for the common good of all producers....

          but i do have am issue with such things as the big "stress" bonus that came out of the pool accts last year, the overflowing of the contingency funds into pool accts, and the many other forms of discretionary spending which has been extracted from the farmer's share......it will be great to see the juicy details so that we can hold acoutantable the actions of those making the decisions with the FOI activities that will play out in the public realm in the near future....

          but it is hard to me beleive that such large amounts of money could not find there way to their rightful legal owners.....how much annually is put away in such a manner?


            Here is the score on this thread:
            Parsley: 40 (replies to one's self); everyone else 23:

            Looks like Parsley is arguing with those voices in her/his head again. Sounds like my 98 year old Grandma. How old are you Parsley?



              I think all farmes can associate with the blurting distress you have so willingly shared with all of us on Agri-ville, and we recognize that it's rather stark to see what the CWB is doing, staring at you from the PCO website, isn't it, and therefore, your fellow farmers will be able, I'm confident, to overlook the hints of negativity that perhaps crept in, by calling fellow farmers packs of dogs.

              Donna Youngdahl, head of the Organic Marketing Department, used the dogs analogy in describing organic growers, too, so I assume you probably took the same leadership seminar that she either took or taught.

              PCO facts tagged Elected Directors as spendthrifts, which left you with the problem of defending what the CWB is doing to farmers.

              You didn't chose the indefensible.

              So when I quote verbatim from the Privy Council of Canada's official website, and I quote to you from Parliament's Canadian Wheat Board Act, you had to resort to dismissing their facts, (not mine), as "rantings and accusations", because you lacked an argument borne out of decency.

              I guess we know what Single Desk supporters really seek...that being, ignoring what Parliament instructs, ignoring what Parliament reports, and employing every mechanism crowding the illegal lane of the law, in order to prop up the single desk who's sole purpose to you, and to all single-deskers, is to stuff those supposed dollars in your pocket.

              Single-Casino dollars. winwin has it right.

              wilagrow, the single-desk argument, more than anything, is morally bankrupt.




                Each one of us contibutes in our own way.

                Congratulations for spending all afternoon doing a tally.



                  Bennyhin: Since you bring up your 98 year old Grandmother. I imagine she is in a extendicare home.You must have power of attorney in her affairs.
                  Say the CWB has been trying for years to get a pay't to her. Wouldn't a red flag go up, would you not try to get this CWB money on her behalf.
                  I just have a hard time fathoming all this money sittin idle in a CWB bank account. The board sure doesn't try hard in my mind getting the cheques to the owners, estates, banks, trusts, etc.



                    Hey Dog!

                    You read when Vader says that those Old Boys in the Backrooms only MIGHT consider dispersing money into the pooling accounts of "farmers to whom the money did NOT belong"? Like... Grandma's cheque didn't belong to you?

                    Well, will you ask him for me how come the CWB itself says the Good Old Boys in the Backroom DID put the money into the pooling accounts from the interest earnings? Here's what the CWB web says:

                    "The board decided to apply approximately $2.5 million out of a potential $8 million in total interest earnings to the returns that will go to farmers who delivered feed barley to the CWB during this crop year."

                    Huh? What are wheat farmers? What about the malt pool guys? Are they chopped liver?

                    By "dispersing money into the pooling accounts of "selected farmers how did the the B of D DECIDE to "whom the money did NOT belong"?

                    I'd ask Vader myself, but I thought his "Thank you Parsley" on this page was ominously foreboding, and my sensitivity has been wounded.

                    Perhaps browbeating counselling..... no, I'll phone a friend.




                      Politics, pure politics.

                      Like the COntingency Fund.

                      The CWB GOT a 16M extention to increase it.... then lost all that money in a few months... because of what?

                      What happened Vader to CWB risk management? The money tree had to be tapped... and the COntingency fund was the easiest tree to chop branches off?

                      What gives?

                      2004, payout of all that PPO money during the CWB election... not a cent lost.

                      Now MILLIONS?

                      I have some ocean front property in Killam I can sell you Vader...

                      You DO think we are stupid... there is no doubt about that!

                      Take a look in the mirror. YOU WILL be judged, are you ready to pay the consequences?


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