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The CWB Money-Tree

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    2005-0922 2005-05-17 CWB
    Canadian Wheat Board Act

    Authority for THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD to make a further contribution towards the funding of a FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT RESEARCH PROJECT FOR BARLEY.

    Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, deeming the purpose of the payment to be for the benefit of producers of wheat and barley, on the
    recommendation of the President of the Treasury Board and The Canadian Wheat Board, pursuant to section 39 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, hereby
    authorizes a contribution by The Canadian Wheat Board, from the separate account referred to in subsection 39(2) of that Act, in the amount of $165,000 to fund a Fusarium Head Blight Research Project for barley for a second year, on the condition that funds are available.


      Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the President of the Treasury Board and The Canadian Wheat Board, pursuant to
      subsection 39(2) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, hereby deems the payment of a contribution by The Canadian Wheat Board from the separate account
      referred to in that subsection of not more than $500,000, on the condition that the funds are available, to fund the construction of the University of
      Alberta’s Agri‑Food Discovery Place to be for the benefit of producers of wheat and other grains.

      PC Number Date Chapter Bill Dept Attachments


        2005-1820 2005-10-25 CWB

        Canadian Wheat Board Act

        Order authorizing THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD to make a donation towards the construction of the University of Alberta's AGRI-FOOD DISCOVERY


          2005-1504 2005-08-31 CWB
          Canadian Wheat Board Act

          Order which, among other things, (a) increases, as of August 1, 2005, the amount that THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD shall deduct from final payments for
          the purpose of plant breeding research, and (b) designates the WESTERN GRAINS RESEARCH FOUNDATION as the research funding agency

          Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the President of the Treasury Board, hereby


            1995-2202 1995-12-20 AGRI-FOOD

            Canadian Wheat Board Act

            Authorization for THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD to charge to and pay out of its "separate account" the expenses it incurs from time to time in connection with its MARKET DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM.


              2002-1403 2002-08-08 CWB

              Canadian Wheat Board Act

              Order authorizing expeditures by THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD for market development in support of sales of Western Canadian wheat and barley and their products.


                2000-1670 2000-10-23 CWB

                Canadian Wheat Board Act

                Authority for THE CANADIAN WHEAT BOARD to make payments out of the "separate account" in order to defray expenses and costs incurred in establishing
                the Canadian Malting Barley Research Centre.



                  You just don't 'get it', do you?

                  You'll never get it.

                  Farmers do.

                  It's like a hologram, where You look and look and look and cannot see!

                  Here's a TIP:

                  Whether the farmer has died and didn't cash his cheque, or whether the dog swallowed his grain cheque, or whether the corporation just threw away the grain cheque, here's the important point:

                  IT IS THE FARMERS' MONEY IN THE POOLING ACCOUNTS NOT THE WHEAT BOARD DIRECTORS' PRIVATE SLUSH FUND. Don't try to give a new name like 'special account funds' to money that belongs to the farmer, so that you can legitamize going on spending sprees!

                  I didn't list scholarships, for example. Lots of times there are several payments made to institutions in a year, so I didn't list them all.

                  The CWB must quit spending like drunken sailors.



                    If the CWB can't automatically spend farmers money how are they going to, as winwin says,"fund the revolution"?

                    Actually having to convince farmers of the soundness of these ideas based on just their merit alone? Having to use just logic and reason.

                    No wonder E-Vader is scared.


                      No parsley, the important point is being responsible. The checks were not cashed. Perhaps the dog swallowed it. The CWB spends years trying to get this money into the producers hands. When all attempts fail something must be done with the money.

                      All of the projects that are funded with this money which you have identifed are to the benefit of all producers. It is not spending like drunken sailors. It is a responsible and intelligent performance of duty.

                      What would you propose to do with millions of dollars of uncashed checks. What would you do if you had this responsibility? Would you dither? Would you stuff it under your bloody bed?

                      Your position is ridiculous and undefensible.


                        Vader, you are the ridiculous one and it is your logic that is undefensible on this one....

                        do not assume you speak for me, and that is certain, and all farmers when you justify all the ways the CWB spends our money as being for our common good...

                        the role of the CWB, I thought, was to extract farmers the best possible net returns for our DA grains, and return that net value of of those sales through our pool accounts....

                        let me decide if I want to donate to CIGI, the U of M. or whomever, or better yet let the politicians I pay taxes to make these decisions for the common good of farmers.....

                        Why could not these funds, if they cannot make it to the hands of the entitled producers, get redistrbuted to the pool accounts.....what the CWB beuracracy has a hard time with this?.......this is not their money, it belongs to the producers......


                          I am just amazed that the CWB socialist institution has managed to excist all these years with so little resistance until these last few years. My non-farming friends have been following this debate lately and are appalled at how this system works(or not works!)and how we are treated in this supposedly democratic country. I thank our PM and our Ag Minister for having the insight to challenge this archaic system and finally make us all equal members of this society. I am so sick and tired of the propaganda spewed out by the CWB supporters that I have decided to place my vote to option #3-total abolition of the CWB. I had to farm under their ideals for the last 30 years with no choice and now I believe it is my turn.


                            Vader you said the CWB spent years trying to get the checks to the farmers who have not cashed them. What have they done besides nothing so that after so many years the law states the money is the property of the CWB. Well maybe the money is really the property of banking institutions that have forclosed on the farms before the interims and finals arrive so why cash a check in that case.


                              Parsley and others, is it that the funding is not transparent or is it that you feel CIGI has no value and should not be funded?


                                Nice work Parsley.

                                Sure would be nice to know the dollar value of those items that have no price tag.


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