wd9 - I didn't say that. The cash advance program is a rather large program with credit checks and enforcement. The cash advance program is a Federal Government program but the CWB is one of the administrators of the program. The CWB takes a lot of flak over it but there is a strong business case to stay in the game.
Did you know that a recent change to the legislation is opening up the opportunity for more players in the administration of cash advances? In other words the Canadian Canola Growers Ass'n could give you an advance on wheat and the CWB could give you an advance on canola (or potatoes etc.)
Did you know that a recent change to the legislation is opening up the opportunity for more players in the administration of cash advances? In other words the Canadian Canola Growers Ass'n could give you an advance on wheat and the CWB could give you an advance on canola (or potatoes etc.)