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    I must say that the CWB PPO STAFF people particularily in Winnipeg have been helpful, pleasant, and enjoyable to deal with.

    CWB management on the other hand, like my DirectorChairman Ritter for instance; has been inflamitory, deceitful, and appears to have done most things possible to annoy and insight me to confrontation. Bylaw infractions have not been investigated... unfair penalties have been applied to people I know with out justification that is credible.

    As long as the CWB operates a "single desk" that confiscates my and my neighbours grain... without choice... I expect a GOC full & Complete audit to be the only reasonable requirement of the CWB as it stands today.

    Private audits have many limitations... BenHin knows or should know this.
    The intimidation tactic of putting words in my mouth I didn't intend or say; was NOT appreciated Mr. HIN.


      Hey Burbert are your lips chapped from kissing Vader's tailgate?


        Fransisco, Why is it that you freebooters always resort to name calling? Have you been conservative for so long, that you can't think of anything but insults. I'm going to vote now, in the barley pleb. Can you guess how I'm going to vote? To hel- with all you pirates!!


          Oh my. Did I hurt your feelings?Goodness gracious me, where on earth could I have picked up such a bad habit?

          Let me think...could it have been the very first time I posted something on Agri-ville?

          Which can be found [URL="http://agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1171091055"]here on Feb.10th.[/URL]

          And lets look at some BennyHin quotes from that thread.

          "He also makes a lot of stink and pollution with his pig barn."

          "...the frontier centre of non-thinking."

          "...pig-poluting pig farmers."

          "Isn't it amazing that the government chooses a pig farmer to explain how..."

          Then on Feb 12th you attacked John Depape <a href="http://agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1171302700">here.</a>

          Feb 14th Agricore became "Agrisnor" <a href="http://agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1171306803">here.</a>

          Feb. 17th <a href="http://agriville.com/cgi-bin/forums/viewThread.cgi?1171726494">"Looks like Parsley is arguing with those voices in her/his head again. Sounds like my 98 year old Grandma." </a>

          So whats your problem Benny?

          <b>A.<B> Short term memory loss.
          <b>B.<> Do as I say, not as I do, syndrome.
          <b>C.<> You can dish it out, but can't take it.
          <b>D.<> Hypocrisy

          <b>E.<> All of the above.

          Face it, you lost the right to complain about name-calling a long time ago and as far as I can tell you're not to concerned about changing your ways.

          So until you do, you can either suck it up or go home and cry to Mommy.


            Quick, someone check the clock towers for a stashed deer rifle.


              Fransisco, Whoa man, guess I touched a nerve when I called you a conservative. Please step back, take a breath and calm down! In other words get a life. You really don't believe most of the c--p that is posted on this site, OR do you?


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