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Export licence - vader?

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    Export licence - vader?

    I posted this question of Vader in the OWB thread below. Please answer Vader, consider this a request from one of your enslaved from district 8.

    Hey Vader, Did the cwb issue an export license for the "less than 1 million tonnes exported" from On? How much wheat was exported from other non DA provinces & were export licenses issued by the cwb? How much revenue did these licenses generate for the cwb?

    I am also interested in the answer to this question Vader. Answer the man.



      I don't have the answer or the time to fuel your witch hunt lunatics.

      The CWB does have jurisdiction over all of Canada for the issuance of export licenses as per the CWB Act, as you both well know.

      There is no fee charged for those licences so there is no revenue generated. The costs are minimal because there are no employees at the CWB whose sole responsibility is licencing.

      I know that parsley is continually ranting about the cost to producers and that the government should be picking up the tab. I also know that her only reason for this rant is to pick holes in the CWB and not the money. The cost to invoice the government for the issuance of these licences would probalby outweigh the actual benefit and with today's anti CWB Harper government it is unlikely they would consider such a request without going to court.

      The very existence of the CWB single desk would not be supported without the regulatory enforcement and so the cost of licenceing outside the designated area should be considered part of the business of the CWB and its operations in the designated area.

      nuff said.



        I, like most of the the participants of this site have never applied for an export permit via the CWB. Can you please explain the process and the costs involved so that we can re-calculate how the CWB justifies these costs (with respect to the daily futures and cash markets at the time of the buybacks).

        Can you give us some real data,(i.e. we can look at their PRO's versus USA cash and USA futures values at the time of the buyback quotation).

        I think this will be a very beneficial project for all of us. It sounds like you export (or sell domestically) on a regular basis, so you should have some very good data for all of us to use.

        How much do you actually have to pay to the CWB on an annually basis (this may be a little personal, but you obviously aren't to shy to expose your opionions)



          "nuff said", demands Vader.

          Oh really?

          Perhaps not.

          VADER SAYS:
          "The costs are minimal because there are no employees at the CWB whose sole responsibility is licencing."

          That's interesting. Let's walk through just one aspect of licensing .... licensing feed mills.

          1. The CWB takes $$$$$$$out of your pooling accounts to pay licensing costs for those feed mills exporting under the Export Manufacture Feed Agreement.

          How would you set-up/run an Export Manufactured Feed Agreement Licensing Department?

          Vader says the costs are minimal.

          Judge for yourself.

          Background at Government websites:

          1. According to the CWB's (secret) licensing deal, which is NOT AVAILABLE TO ANYONE BUT EMFA mills, all feed wheat/barley made into feed and exported, under the CWB's EMFA, must have/approved an export permit.

          2.In 2000, there were about 600 feed mills in Canada.

          3. Approximately 13 million tonnes of complete commercial feed is manufactured every year.

          4. Total sales in 2000 were estimated at over CDN $3.2 billion for all livestock and poultry feed shipments

          So what goes into setting up secret special licensing?

          -Consultations with trade (meetings, letters)

          -Board of D's meeting time set aside for presentation, discusssion and to pass motion to allow feed mills to bypass CWB pooling and marketing.

          -Rules and Procedures Development for EMFA exporting

          -Consultations with Customs Canada for EMFA exports going through

          -EMFA Protocol /Harmonization/ with Customs/Border

          - License had to be designed and printed

          -Periodic Licensing Revisions

          -Trade instructed..form letters, telephone calls

          -Staff training re inquiries, how to complete, form

          -Staff training to do EMFA audits of facilities, and training for reading required compulsory probes.

          -Staff training to do periodic EMFA renewals

          -Staff training to keep records of licensing transactions

          - Staff training of authenticity of exporters

          -Licenses have to be presented to applicants..faxes, phones, clerks

          -Licenses have to be accepted/rejected to applicants.. admin...faxes, phones, clerks

          -Licenses have to returned to CWB.....faxes, phones, clerks

          -Compilation of EMFA Manual

          -desk, I would think!

          -wages-UI-CPP-CWB Benefits and Retirement

          Off the top of my head...Not complete.

          Add that up for 15 years. With interest.


          This is JUST mill licensing.

          Looks like a lot of cash to me.

          Does it to Agri-villers?



            The feed mills who bypass CWB pooling and bypass CWB marketing, actually receive this CWB licensing service for absolutely free, and only Designated Area farmers are forced to pay the bill.

            Compliments of your CWB elected Directors.


              Looks like a lot of cash to me.

              Question: Does that mean that feed mills in Ontario or Quebec who sell feed into the US require this service also? And it comes out of DA accounts for that service?

              I don't suppose the mills down east will publish how much goes south.


                CWB Act says: All wheat/ bly/products are subject to CWB licensing.

                Maybe they close their eyes for teachers' pets.

                But you can bet Canada Customs alerts the CWB for any any wheat/bly/products exported. Alerting costs money.


                  Most of the farmers crossing the border got Canada Customs charges and arrests for NOT HAVING AN EXPORT LICENSE. Customs assumes border enforcement/compliance for the CWB. (Probably through an arrangement with the Board, with Customs being paid is my speculation.)

                  Who would expect Canada Customs to pay for enforcing the CWB's licensing?

                  Therefore, licensing costs are picked up by the CWB. All those years long court cases become part of national licensing costs.

                  And legally, were NOT ALLOWED TO BE TAKEN OUT OF THE POOLING ACCOUNTS.



                    parsnik, as usual lies and deception. The CWB books are audited and published annually. If those costs were there, they would show up, and you can bet that Shiela Fraser would have told you so.



                      Shelia Fraser was at the CWB, At the pleasure of the CWB minister and CWB Directors.

                      Enron had it's books audited too!

                      The CWB bylaws a broken right left and centre... and the CWB governance committee didn't even send a letter back after election irregulatities were identified and documented... 3 year later.

                      What a joke, there was no integrety of management under Measner or liberal wantabee single minded apointee Directors.

                      Farmer elected single minded Directors could care less about integrety surrounding "detractor complaints".

                      According to the last CWB policy I was last given, detractors aren't even considered customers or people... under CWB management policies. That about goes for anyone who would like to see competition, or market choice! We don't count.

                      I am a CIGI Alumni... and not once have I ever been invited to a CWB CIGI Alumni consultation.

                      Give your head a shake!


                        Agri-villers can find the costs at exactly the same place as the CWB provides the EMFA forms on the CWB website.

                        Happy hunting because there is no mention of EMFA forms either!

                        But what about the actual CWB EMFA agreements, signed, that I've got in hand?

                        Vader says they do do not exist, and Vader calls me a liar.


                        The only thing I can think of is that they've probably changed the name(using your money)! ie. Manufactured Feed Export Agreement (MFEA) instead of EMFA.

                        That would be a typical Board trick Board trick.. Legally correct information at all costs.

                        Farmers should call the CWB and ask them if a feed licensing program exists. Does feed have to be licensed when it crosses the border? Who licenses it?

                        The only POSSIBLE explanation for such secrecy is that perhaps the B of Directors don't even know that millions of bushels are bypassing Board pooling and Board marketing and the staff are running the covert operation!

                        If the staff itself is circumventing the CWB on their own, issuing the licenses, maybe the CWB Staff are using the money for the Get-Real Choicie Voice barley campaign.

                        Total feed sales in 2000 were estimated at over CDN $3.2 billion.

                        If you've got a good thing going.....

                        Keep working,dogs, (as wilagrow calls you)


                          VADER SAYS:
                          "The costs are minimal because there are no employees at the CWB whose sole responsibility is licencing."

                          # 2. The CWB takes $$$$$$$out of your pooling accounts to pay licensing costs for seed growers.

                          The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association (CSGA), claim they represents 4,500 seed growers in Canada.

                          Can we agree that some of them would grow and export wheat and barley?

                          How would you set-up/run licensing seed growers?

                          -consultations with seed growers(meetings, letters)

                          -Board of D's meeting time set aside for presentations, discusssion

                          -Rules and Procedures Development for Pedigreed Seed (PS)exporting

                          -Consultations with Customs Canada for PS exports going through

                          -PS Protocol /Harmonization/ with Customs/Border

                          - PS License had to be designed and printed . Declarations sometimes checked.

                          -Periodic Licensing Revisions

                          - Seed Growers instructed..form letters, telephone calls

                          -Staff training re inquiries, how to complete, form

                          -Staff training to keep records of licensing transactions

                          - Staff training of authenticity of exporters

                          -Licenses have to be presented to applicants..faxes, phones, clerks

                          -Licenses have to be accepted/rejected to applicants.. admin...faxes, phones, clerks

                          -Licenses have to returned to CWB.....faxes, phones, clerks

                          -Compilation of PS Manual

                          -desk, shared?

                          -wages-UI-CPP-CWB Benefits and Retirement

                          Add that up for years. With interest.

                          OUT OF YOUR POOLING ACCOUNTS!

                          Pedigreed seed bypasses Board Pooling and marketing.




                            I spoke with a CWB Director last week.

                            We could have 99% support for the single desk, in one week, and make the CWB totally accountable and transparent... if you even care.

                            What needs to be done is simple.

                            The CWB MUST respect the growers that offer it grain.

                            The CWB has control over the railway and elevators. And that is all the CWB was ever intended to control. LEGALLY and MORALLY.

                            1. Export licenses the same as seed/man.feed by truck and container.
                            2. Daily transparent Pricing, every business day of the year.
                            3. Listen to the 20% of growers who grow 80% of the grain in the "designated area" and serve them instead of single minded

                            All that needs to be Done Vader. But some would rather destroy the CWB than fix it and be proven to be liars.


                              Vader, since farmers who apply for cash advance don't pay an administration fee - only to the elevator $50 to print a cheque, are you saying there is no staff either for cash advance admin at the CWB?


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